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“Hai. This is why I asked we did not share the discoveries my guild made.” Shiroe said, pulling out several reports from his bag and put them on the table. He pushed them to the guild leaders and ninja. “The alliance’s goal in Akiba is to raise 5 million gold.” Everyone, even Jiraiya was shocked.

However, Shiro help up his hand to stop any questions. “The money itself is not the goal, but how we raise it. We are all small guilds, so our voices is small, but greatly scattered. So, by showing we can making such a profit, all the guilds will have to listen to us. Also, we will be using this to set up a clear example of a working economy model that can grow and in turn bring life back to Akiba. That is the true objective of the goal, though it will allow us to ensure no trouble once we have those funds.”

“The economy model is simple. Due to Crescent Moon Alliance having an efficient work system and friendly demeanor overall, they will be the ones allowed in the Alliance to make a restaurant and sell food made through the Real Food Preparation. Originally, Shiroe and I were planning to only ask for Crescent Moon Alliance help till hearing you four made an alliance. Hence we will jump up a level, but keep the alliance a secret. Crescent Moon Alliance’s restaurant will our main front. However, along with it, Radio Market, Grandeur, and Log Horizon will open up shops in a small market made at Log Horizon’s guild hall. We just bought a new part of it and it is close to the north border of the city. West Wind Brigade would help with gathering resources for the shops and restaurant. Along with the shops and restaurants,  Shiroe and I have figured out how to do quests and will be making those quests available for all five guilds, which will be done through that same area the small market will be at.”

“Why there and not in the main market?” Aykanye asked. “If you are looking for profits, it would be best to be where everyone in Akiba is at.”

“The object is not the money itself, but the execution.” Shiroe answered, “Also, it would not fare well if they realize Log Horizon’s objective since we already prepared in case the other guild’s figured out what they can do.”

“Log Horizon’s objective?” Jiraiya asked.

“Total control of Akiba! Just like any true Overlord would do!” Naruto laughed maniacally before Shiroe jabbed him hard in the ribs. “Owowowowow.” Naruto held his ribs in pain.

“Please keep your game chuuni to a minimum. It’s annoying.” Shiroe sighed.

“Come on! Tell me you couldn’t resist it either! I had to pull a Disgaea pun there!” Naruto growled, glaring back at Shiroe.

“Because of that, you’re explaining.”

“Alright, alright.” Naruto sighed.

This kid is nuts. Jiraiya thought, giving a look of disbelief at the man.

“With forming Log Horizon and seeing even with being in a guild, the in-game money I earned from working for the game was still locked. So, instead, I went ahead and purchased all of Akiba’s Cathedral, Trade Building, and other facilities including the very city itself. We saved buying the Guild Hall Building till it is time to launch the last part since everyone sees the main menu of it every day and people would see if we bought it right away unlike the other facilities.” Naruto happily chimed with a smile.

“Eh?” Everyone blinked, their faces completely blanked while looking at the happy Naruto.

“Hold up! You own every major building in Akiba?” Henrietta shouted, absolute horror on her face. “If it’s your private property, you can control the settings and can possibly blacklist people from using them! If you blacklist people from the Cathedral-”

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now