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"Maryelle, stop twitching." Henrietta sighed, adjusting her black and white formal dress she was wearing. "You need to simply smile and keep calm. I am the one who will do most of the hard work."

"I know, but where is Naruto-kun?" Maryelle pouted, wearing a semi-formal outfit and laying on the table within the meeting room they were renting. "Isn't he supposed to be here to help us out!"

"He also has a meeting, but should be when the real battle starts for us." Henrietta said, looking at the door of the room. "This first part we are on our own. However, we need this meeting to go well for the next part to work. So, sit up straight and act like a guild leader." But, I hope Naruto-chan does get here. Even though I have experience as an accountant in the real world, Naruto-chan is the one with full on mass business practice experience.

"Thanks for adding pressure on me," Maryelle said before they heard footsteps.

"Hi! Sorry for the wait!" A hazel hair human Henrietta recognized as Charasin walked into the room and sit at the table before him.

Charasin, guildmaster of the third largest production guild 8th Shopping District and an old friend of Maryelle's. Henrietta thought, adjusting her glasses. "Good morning, Charasin-san."

"Good morning. Ah, Maryelle, you have a bit of a scary expression. Are you alright?" Charasin asked with some concern in his voice, much like any friend would.

Keep it together, Maryelle. Remember to smile and I will do most of the work, Maryelle jumped, quickly shifting to her smile as Henrietta pondered on the next move.

"Ah, yes, I have a request for the 8th Shopping District, today." Maryelle chimed, though her voice slightly wavered.

"What is the request?" Charasin asked, his expression shifting to a businessmen's poker face.

He's ready for battle. Henrietta thought, also adjusting to her own business persona. Naruto-chan is right with how the battle isn't with the monsters. Experienced players have easily adjusted to combat with monsters like Shiroe and Naruto-chan, but many others are just too scared to battle monsters now. Hence many have shifted to crafting and other business practices. All the major crafting guilds have been hurting due to fewer people willing to hunt for the ingredients production guilds need.

However, now the Hidden Leaf Trade Alliance is now in the same boat. Due to the high demand of both Santa's Workshop and Crescent Burger products, our supply chain cannot keep up for both due to such different ingredients needed. Santa's Workshop has been forced to dive into Boss's hoarded ingredients and items after being wiped out of inventory every day since opening the market. Crescent Moon have sold out every day of every food item outside Black Rose Tea as well. If we don't outsource Crescent Burger's supply chain, then we might end up sinking the whole operation due to the sheer demand overwhelming us. Henrietta cleared her throat, getting Maryelle to focus.

"We would like to commission a supply chain with 8th Shopping District. We need ingredients for our guild and need to outsource the resource collection." Maryelle said with a chime. "We need lettuce, young deer meat, boar meat, flour, potato, tomato, sun sun fish, thunder bird meat, and other such cooking ingredients."

"Ingredients, huh?" Charasin asked with a somewhat blank face, "How much do you need and what price are you thinking of?" Maryelle looked at Henrietta who wrote onto a notepad. She tore off the note and put it face down on the table and spun the upper part to where the note went before Charasin. Charasin picked it up and looked at it. "I see."

Even with the deal being good for both guilds, Charasin will try to negotiating a better deal for his guild. Henrietta thought, keeping a straight face.

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