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Kakashi peeked into a small classroom. Oh, there's Kakashi!

"Iruka, where do you want these books?" Kakashi asked, walking into a classroom with seeing Iruka in the room and putting books up on a shell.

"Kakashi!" Kakashi froze with Obito jumped before him. "There you are!... Ah?" Obito waved his hand before the female Assassin's face. "How the hell do you manage to faint standing?" Obito said, realizing Kakashi was unresponsive. And why do you keep fainting when Rin and I surprise you?

"Obito! Stop messing with Kakashi!" Obito yelped with getting a whacked to the head from Iruka. "When will you realize surprising her will always end up like this? PTSD is a pretty nasty condition." Iruka sighed, waking Kakashi up with a slight tap to the head. "You alright Kakashi?"

"A-Ah yeah," Kakashi said, blushing, "And don't fuss at Obito. I am just still getting over the fact Obito and Rin are around again."

"Kakashi. We are alive and not going anywhere." Obito sighed, pouting, "When will you get that through your thick head? Though, it seems that's the only thing that has stayed the same to ya."

"Obito, our death took a toll on Kakashi. I believe you never lost any major family members, right?" Obito turned around, seeing Rin walk in with some books.

"Yeah. I was an orphan and not many of my clan were close with me," Obito sighed, looking away from Rin. But, I don't get why Kakashi has changed so much. In some ways, I like the old Kakashi. Especially now that Kakashi got boobs. Obito glared at his rival only to blush with realizing at where he was aiming it.

"It's alright. Just give me some time," Kakashi said, eye smiling sheepishly at the others. "In some ways, I am just happy Rin and Obito are alive. Even if I am still getting over the fact they are no longer dead."

"Though, I'm just amazed you been on time with helping out for both the Crescent Burger and now." Obito raised an eyebrow at Iruka addressing him before seeing Kakashi sweat. "You were always late for a lot of things back in Konoha." Obito noticed Iruka wasn't looking at him, but Kakashi... And it then clicked.

"Whoa, whoa. Mister Rules was late?" Obito asked, smirking at Kakashi. "What is this about? You were always nagged me for being late."

"He would use lame excuses, too, like he got lost on the path of life and such." Itachi chuckled, making Kakashi squirm.

"Wait... Kakashi, you were mimicking Obito?" Rin asked, all three looking at Kakashi with shock.

"Yeah... But only because I did not want people to know I was visiting your graves." Kakashi sighed, putting the books on the teacher desk in the room. "I would lose sense of time when I talked to you both at your graves. Pathetic, huh?"

Kakashi, Obito thought, wide eyed at his teammate. Our deaths affected you so badly?... Oh, yeah. He was such a tightwad due to his father committing suicide. But, now death is no longer permanent. Obito thought before realizing something. "Hey, with how everyone's been reviving back home, doesn't that mean our parents will be reviving as well?" Obito asked, joy feeling his eyes. I can finally meet my parents!

Log Horizon: Alien Chronicles Volume 1Where stories live. Discover now