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*tap tap tap*

My fingertips danced across the top of my desk anxiously as Mr. Aizawa delivered a structured lecture over rescue and retrieval of citizens. I could feel my attention begin to hyper-focus on different noises and occurrences around me to distract myself from the knot in my stomach. Aizawa scratching the chalkboard with a small piece of chalk as he talks in a monotonous tone, Kaminari constantly shifting around in his seat... Whatever I could find to take my mind off of the events of tomorrow.

Ever since Shigaraki had informed me off his plans to end All Might, I have spent everyday anxious as all hell. Possible scenarios of the planned attack flash through my mind when I'm no longer hyper-fixated on something around me.
All Might being killed.
My classmates being injured or worse.
My cover being blown.
Anxiety has always been a large part of my life. Underneath my cool demeanor, I have felt my nerves screaming with every mission the league gives me. For some reason, I feel different now. My anxiety has extended from a small feeling of stage fright from the fear from failure, to now a torturous, nauseous pit in my stomach shrieking at me to do something.

"I'll be right back. Iida, you're in charge temporarily." Aizawa's voice pulled me from my fearful trance.

"Of course, sir!" Iida stated sincerely in response, robotically waving his arm.

As Aizawa walked out of the class, Bakugo turned to look at me. "Knock off the fucking repetitive tapping you ADHD dipshit." He spat. No snarky response came to mind, I just stared back at the boy, expressionless. I kept my focus on his crimson eyes as they began to narrow. "O-Oi, what the fuck are you looking at?"

Don't come to school tomorrow.

His eyebrows scrunched as his head tilted to the side as he stared at me quizzically. "Are you al-"

"Ah, shit. Just dozed off." I did my best to shoot a smile his way, but it just came off as weak and worry-some, which is the last thing I need. Closing my eyes, I took a deep breath, calming my heavy feelings and thoughts.

If we're going to pull off this mission, no one can suspect I know. I need to stop acting so fucking weird.

Convincing myself that I'm better now, I open my eyes. Bakugo's intense crimson glare instantly crumbles any façade of being ok I held for those two independent seconds.


- - - - - -

"Oi, where the fuck do you think you're going?"

My attempts to race out of the school at the end of the school day utterly failed.

"Just stop walking, moron!"

My shoes skid as I stopped my momentum. Against my better judgement, I turned to face Bakugo. I did my best to plaster my normal, sarcastic smirk on my lips. "Stalking me now, are we?"

His face instantly displayed a look of disgust, while a small dusting of red appeared on his sharp cheeks.

"God, fuck no. You've been real weird the past week and it's annoying me." The spiky blonde scoffed as he began to approach me.

I breathily laughed while rubbing the back of my neck. "Heh, sorry.. I must've forgot for a moment that the purpose of my existence is to comfort you. I'll get right back to it tomorrow, for now I'm gonna head home." Using my thumb, I motioned behind me as I spoke, before quickly turning on my heels. As I took a step away, a warm grip latched onto my hand.

"Hey dumbass, don't walk away when I'm talking to you."

I looked down at my hand, his sweaty palm and fingers tightly griping on to it. A brief moment passed before I tugged my hand away. Not turning around, I continued down the hallway.

Surprisingly, I managed to make my way down the hallway without any commotions from the boy. The rest of my walk to leave the building was filled with the same, unexpected silence. As I came across one of the secluded exits in the building, I slid the heavy door in front of me open, mindlessly walking outside. The brisk, rushing wind crashed along the exposed skin of my face. I exited the building and continued on my path, but something was different from normal...

Did I ever hear the door fall shut behind me?

Turning around, I catch a spiky blob of hair pushing the almost-closed door back open, walking through the doorway. His eyes, bravely never leaving me. Hoping to unsuspiciously blow the boy off, I keep moving forward. "Not even trying to hide it now, huh stalker?"

Keeping my cool, I acted unfazed by the situation as the soles of my shoes slapped the pavement below me.
He couldn't follow me that much longer, right?
What if he followed me back to the house?
What if a member of the league was there?
Truthfully, I was not unfazed by the situation at all.

The corner of the street my house was on was rapidly approaching, the unwanted blonde still close behind. I planted my white school shoes into the ground, fastly whipping around.

I need to stop this.

"You know, this.." I motioned between the two of us as I spoke ".. isn't working for me. I'm not the largest fan of people I barely know following me around."

Bakugo stopped walking a mere two feet from my face, his face held a grin that made my knees ache.
"I'll stop once you tell me what's going on with you today." Each time he stated 'you', he roughly pushed my shoulder with his hand. It was easy to tell he was trying to raise my anger levels so I would cave.

Rolling my eyes, I brushed off his mediocre attempt. "Why do you even get a shit?" I repeated his same annoying action as I talked.

He pondered my question while roughly rubbing his face with his hand. His thoughts were obviously flustering him by the tiny sighs coming out of his mouth. "I don't give a shit about you. You were just annoying as fuck today and it bothered me." The posture of his body was tense, resonating with anger as he spoke.

"Well I pinky promise to not be annoying anymore as long as you go the fuck home now." I obnoxiously smiled at him as I held out my pinky. My expression fell as he smacked my hand away.

"Nuh-uh." That stupid fucking grin came back on his face. He slowly walked around me, like a beast stalking its prey. "You're hiding something."

A bead of sweat trickled on my forehead as my nerves exploded. "W-What?"

"I get it. You have a shitty house dontcha'? Maybe a psychotic family?"

My shoulders slumped as his words broke the tension that was once suffocating my muscles. "Exactly. You got me."
His eyes narrowed at my blunt sarcasm. "Now I'm curious."

I have met many stubborn and annoying ass people while working in the league, none of them takes the cake to this douchebag.

My house was completely unpacked and lived in. It was seemingly normal other than a lack of adults.

"Why the fuck not then. Come on." I motion for Bakugo to follow me with a wave of my hand.

Radiant | Bakugo x traitor OCWhere stories live. Discover now