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I have never loved Twice as much as I do in this moment. Slowly creaking open the door, I listen for any remaining sounds of static. 

It's quiet. 

The light streaming in through the crack of the door is exposing the faint blush on Bakugo's cheeks. His gaze quickly shoots to the cemented ground below us. "Are we fucking clear or not?" He spat. 

"Y-Yeah. Let's go."

As fast as my legs could go, I ran through the halls of the gray building, following closely behind the spikey blonde but not close enough to get burnt by his explosions that were propelling him forward. 

The sparks bursting from his palms shrunk upon entering a large empty room on one of the lower floors. The ceiling was high enough that I could stack three Iida's on top of each other and he still couldn't touch the bumpy surface above us. On the wall opposite of where we entered were large glass windows. 

"This is the last place I saw Kirishima."

As I examined the room around us, I caught a glimpse of a figure seemingly flying past the window panes outside. "Did you se-" Before I could finish my question, Bakugo ran towards the windows full speed. Using two explosions, he launched into the air towards the glass, suddenly blowing away the windows with a single explosion. 

Well that answers my question..

 "Hey, Bakugo!"

I hear a voice calling from outside as I approach the new opening in the wall. 

"And Ritsuki too?!" 

Outside stood a hardened Kirishima with his toothy grin. Down the path from him was a stack of our goons, completely unconscious now. Relief flooded over me as I saw Kirishima was ok, and holding his own pretty damn well. As my eyes scanned over the pile of guys, my heart dropped. I recognized almost all of them from previous missions. Most of them were just mindless morons, but one in particular in the pile had always been kind to me, Keo. I could barely make out the silhouette of his spiked arms as he lay in the middle of the pile. 

"Hey Yui! Heads up!"

We had been scouting all night for various criminals throughout the streets to join our cause. My weariness must've been apparent since the object thrown at me was a peach energy drink, my favorite. After easily catching the drink, I shot a warm smile to Keo. 

"Don't tell Dabi, but you're slowly becoming my favorite to go scouting with.

The spikes in Keo's arms retracted as he placed one heavy limb over my shoulder. 
"My lips are sealed."

I could feel a warmth beginning to pool in the bottom of my eyes as I stared at the limp body of my old friend. 

"Oi! Ritsuki! What the hell are you looking at?!"

The familiar boom of  Bakugo's voice instantly pulled me out of my reminiscing. 

What the hell is my life becoming?

I switched my gaze from my old friend to my two classmates in front of me. "Ah, s-sorry, just haven't been in a real fight before." The lie barely slipped through my lips. If only they knew just how trained I was for this kind of situation. 

Before they could respond, a shriek came from across the training center. 

Looking across the water, I could see Shigaraki standing near Midoriya. The trembling boy I previously met was no longer there, but instead was replaced with a hero without a bone of fear in his body. I watched as he stood squared up to the man that has had control of my life for years. 

I was unaware if everyone else knew the destruction that was Shigaraki, but I did. All too well did I know.  

I began sprinting for the water that separated us. 

No.. no.. no.. no..  NO

Shigarki stretched an arm out towards Midoriya. 

Before I could jump into the water, a strong arm tightly wrapped around my waist. The heat and sound of an explosion crashed over me as I was flying in the air with Bakugo at my side. 

"Hold on to me!"

Bakugo yelled clear instructions that I immediately followed. My arms wrapped around his torso and neck as he let go of my waist to shoot explosions off behind us to propel us across the water. Looking at the wreckage we just came from, I can see Kirishima defending off more of our guys. 

The doors to USJ blasted open with a force I have never seen before. 

In his teacher clad, All Might walked in, dust flying behind him. Casually he rolled up his sleeves as he walked towards Shigaraki and Midoriya. Shigaraki seemingly stopped in his place when he caught sight of the number one hero. 

"All Might. Lovely of you to finally join us." I could hear the cracked and crazed smile through Shigaraki's words as Bakugo landed us near Midoriya. "You see number one, I was just having fun with some of your prestigious students, but it seems the real fun has finally arrived."

In a flash, Shigaraki was knocked to the ground and Midoriya and Tsuyu were in All Might's arms. 

A tear slipped from my eye as I finally noticed Aizawa lying in a crater the size of his body in the ground, Nomu standing near by. 

What's happening...

A weird and twisted sense of pride filled my body as I saw us, the League, finally winning a battle we've pushed so hard to succeed in. Another pull of my feelings escapes as a tear down my cheek as I take in all of my injured classmates and teachers. 

All Might sets my two classmates down before walking past Bakugo and I. 
"Eraserhead is just unconscious. Young Ritsuki, heal him. Bakugo protect her." His tone was low and serious, one I've never heard from him before. 

At the mention of my name, Shigaraki's head whips over to me. I hesitated. His cold glare froze every muscle in my body in place. 

I don't know what I was waiting for. Kurogiri to warp me out of there? Someone to kill me? Whatever the solution, I just wanted to get out. I wanted to forget about this mission and this school and the league and just disappear. 


But that's not the path I was given. 

"Yui! Did you hear him? LETS GO!"

My tunnel vision drifted from the man with a death grip on my life, to the man lying limp on the ground due to me, due to this plan. My feet moved on their own as I felt the cool wind crashing onto my face. My knees scrapped on the pavement as I dropped beside Aizawa. A yellow light burst from my hand and spread across the body in front of me. 

Radiant | Bakugo x traitor OCWhere stories live. Discover now