X. Alone Again

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The fact that I regained my fiery figure, caused that many men look at me, whether with desire and romantic intentions, but it also caused my husband Donald (Dokken) to become angry, now he wasn't just jealousy towards Vinnie, he seemed to have the wish of hitting anyone who looked at me. On our journey it was more than obvious, as we walked through the streets of that mystical land, he felt the urge to kiss me wildly, something I enjoyed at first, but on one occasion I caught him looking defiantly and disdainfully at a handsome young man, who stood nearby and kept looking at me and smiling.

My jealous man tried to grope my bottom during the fiery kiss, but it annoyed me that he did it to prove that I was "his property".

When we returned, Vinnie and I arranged a double date with our respective partners, so that there wouldn't be hostility, at lunchtime all together on a terrace, they told us how they met and started their relationship, Denisse kept her hands on Vinnie, it would seem normal If the guitar player wouldn't have that quizzical expression, or maybe the story she told was a bit exaggerated.

Don applied the same, hugging me excessively when it was time to talk about our love. At times, my ex would look at me with complicity, doing his best to hold up the desire of laughing for the situation.

-You sure are affective, Denisse.-

I mentioned to the woman on a trip to the ladies room, her manner of addressing me was curt.

-. Yes, you don't seem to be affectionate with your husband.- I gave a short laugh.

—.I am, usually, when he's not trying to prove to the world that I'm his.-

-And that's supposed to be bad?.- She was retouching her lipstick during our chat.

—. Only if he does it out for jealousy.- she looked at me seriously and I continued speaking. —You're newlyweds, aren't you?, you'll see the difference in time.-

-. I doubt my marriage to Vinnie be the same as yours.- I smiled vilenessly at her while playing with my hair.

—.All marriages in their time see difficulties, better value it while it's fresh. Come on, they'll wonder where we are-.

It was intriguing to return to the terrace and see Don on the balcony smoking a cigar and staring seriously at Vincent, who was relaxed and smiling while enjoyed the anger he generated in his opposite. Denisse and I approached our men, this time I was the most effusive, going straight to Donald's lips.

—.Im back my love.- I told the brown haired man, who surrounded me with his arms.

-Honey, did you miss me?.-  said the blonde to Vincent, who just nodded and hugged her.

After that rare meeting, I spoke again with the guitarist, who mentioned that he had a discussion with his partner the same afternoon. We agreed that our friendship would be discreet and although I felt sorry for missing his moment of joy, he respected that I hadn't attended his wedding.

"Let our partners think what they want, in the end You and I know that there is nothing beyond a friendship and the precious memory of our time together". Those were Vincent's words.

But this misnamed discretion would turn into absence. Shortly afterwards, at what was to be our last meeting as friends, I gave him a blunt message:

"Vincent, even though circumstances may try to separate our paths, let it be clear that you can count on me, I mean, it's easy to be there in the good times, but when the world seems to fail you, I'll be there for you".

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