VII.Don't go away mad just go

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Vinnie mentioned that he would be back in the city of Angels,before long, he had things to sort out, although he didn't say what exactly. He had everything arranged to stay near the San Fernando Valley. Before his move, I invited him to Hailey's prom in France,in June, he accepted, so we ventured out.

He told me much of his life in New Orleans, working at a record label, teaching music at a conservatory, selling guitars he used in KISS and his previous band, and receiving royalties for his material in the process.

Hailey's father was unable to attend due to countless business matters, plus he had already visited his daughter days before, the man was doing well, so he left her a good amount of money in a bank account. As a graduation present.


The ceremony was enjoyable, the little girl made me proud, besides her beauty had increased, looking more and more like me. I officially introduced her to "Uncle Vinnie'' and she was pleased to meet him. Her bandmates of Non Desir also came to support her, and played a few songs along the way.

Suddenly Vinnie was called on stage, to relive his glory on stage playing Lick it up, having an extra guitar, Hailey left the flying V to Vinnie.

They got a lot of applause.

After what happened with Lyle, he and Hailey resolve their differences and are now a couple, they would live together while the band takes off and Hailey's visa still doesn't expire for another 2 years. I would miss her, the house feels empty without her, just like the inside in me, sex and Rock'n'Roll wasn't everything, so Vinnie and I would let her know that.

It was funny to hear one of his friends say:

-God, if She wasn't your mother, I'd lose respect for that woman.-

I laughed a little, I was walking ahead of them, so I enunciated firmly.

-. In your dreams, son.-

The prom looked entertaining, but it didn't rock enough, so I notified the principal that I was taking Hailey that night, they wouldn't officially let her other friends go, but following the rebel instinct they escaped through the back wall later.

We went to a nearby club to drink, the Love and rockets and Rosetta Stone style music, was very underground.


We ordered a nice French liqueur and that encouraged the guys in the band to sing and take over the stage, they were loved there, is the band that plays the kind of music that predominates in a place and time, they mentioned something about experimenting with the new alternative rock, there were groups of that genre already, but Non desir had to hurry to position themselves as the top exponents.

It was a different atmosphere to what Vinnie and I were used to, we preferred to leave after an hour.

-My daughter is staying at your house tonight, right Lyle?.

to which he replied yes. I would see Hailey the next day to say goodbye properly, and for accompanying her to school by last time,to pick up her belongings, he gave me the address of where he lives to pick her up in the morning.

We let the kids have their fun. Walking in the early hours of the morning through the streets of Paris, near the Arc de Triomphe, I told him about how much Don Dokken had been trying to win me over, the endless parties and the fact that it was time to look for stability, either alone or with a couple, he tried to look happy but the fact about Don didn't amuse him at all. He told me about his time in New Orleans.

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