Should we tell them?

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Chapter 12

~Eren POV~

Mikasa was lying next to me in my room. She was turning and couldn't lie still. She seemed restless. I shook her awake and she gasped. I asked," Mikasa, are you okay?" She looked down and said," I had a nightmare." Mikasa started coughing. My eyes opened. I asked," Mikasa, you sure you're okay?" I felt her forehead, she was burning. 

I gasped," Mikasa, you're burning!" She continued to cough and said," Y-Yeah, I feel fine." I said," Oh yeah, then you are you burning?!" I felt Mikasa's neck. I pulled my hand back immediately. Why was she so hot? Mikasa's breathing quickly increased, soon she was breathing super hard. I saw the morning light outside. I heard a knock on the door. 

I got up to open it, Sasha was there. She said," Hey Mikasa! Have you seen Eren? I went to his room, but didn't see him there." I said," Eren is here in my room, he-" "Ooooooh. Did Eren stay the night?" I said," We got back pretty late last night and Eren wasn't feeling good. He still isn't." Sasha said," Really?" 

She pushed me aside and went to Mikasa's side. She was still coughing hard. Sasha said," Eren! Are you okay? I'll go call everyone!" She ran out and I called," No, don't!" But I'm guessing she was too far away. I went to Mikasa's side. 

She weakly said," Sorry about this. I-I don't know what this is?" Sasha walked in with Armin, Jean and Connie. Armin said," Eren! Are you okay? What happened?" I said," We got home pretty late last night." Armin felt Mikasa's forehead and said," Oh Eren! You've got a cold! How did you get it?" Mikasa didn't answer but instead looked away. 

Jean said," Yeah, how did you even get it?" Armin asked," Mikasa, have you been staying up the past few night?" Mikasa looked sad and said," Yeah, I haven't slept the past few night. And after we left for the expedition, Mikasa got hurt and uh......I stayed awake to make sure no titans would get us. See a titan grabbed her and threw her against a *starts coughing again*" 

Sasha looked at me," Wow, I'm surprised it's the opposite way now." I looked down. I didn't know Mikasa stayed up the past few night. Armin said," We should leave so Eren can get rest." The rest nodded. I said," I'll stay to talk to Eren and take care of him." When everyone left, I sat next to Mikasa and said," Mikasa, I think we need to tell everyone about us switching bodies." Mikasa said," We don't need to. It's fine." 

I exclaimed," It's not fine! You are sick, for heavens sake!" Mikasa pulled the blanket up," All you have to do, is stay by my side. I'll get better on my own. I don't need anyone to take care of me." I moved towards her and said," Yeah, I don't care about what you say. I'm going to make sure you get better." 

I gave her a hug as she started coughing again. She pushed me away," Don't come near me! I'm going to get you sick! Stay away!" I said," Then make me sick. I don't care. If you're sick, then I might as well be sick too." She pushed me away again. 

I said," Fine, I'll go get us something to eat. Wait here for 1 sec." She nodded and I went to the mess hall. I saw Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange. I greeted them and Second Commander Hange said," Morning Mikasa! We heard what happened to Eren! Let me guess, you're going to get food for you and Eren?" I nodded. I got food for Mikasa and I.

1 week later

Mikasa had finally gotten better. The entire week I've been worried about her.  Mikasa was now able be just like before. Mikasa and I were on a walk, we had just left. Everyone came running up to us and Connie asked," You guys going on a walk?" I said," Yeah." Armin asked," Could we come with?" Mikasa said," Of course!" 

We started to walk. Connie and Jean started fighting over something stupid. Armin and Mikasa were laughing. I had to keep a straight face. When we had gotten half way, Jean asked," Have any of you ever thought about what our lives will be like, after we kill all titans?" Armin said," I'm going to move to the sea." 

Sasha said," I'm going too eat whole day, every day!" We all laughed. Mikasa said," Well, it doesn't matter what we want. We need to first kill all titans." Mikasa clenched her fist. How, she was amazing at being me. Armin looked at me and asked," What about you, Mikasa? What do you plan to do after we kill all titans?" 

Sasha moved towards me and said," I bet she'll ask Eren out, or even better, marry him." I blushed and lifted Mikasa's scarf to cover it. She's lucky. I whispered," Maybe." When we finished our walk, it was late. Mikasa and I went to sit on a hill and watch the sunset. Mikasa lied her head on my shoulder and asked," Eren, what do you plan to do after we kill all titans? And don't say that we should wait, because I know we'll be able kill them all." 

She held my hand and said," I don't know Mikasa. If we do kill all titans, then I might settle down. I ugh I don't know what I would do! What would you do?" She replied," I-I've never thought of it too. I've always just been so concerned about what was happening to you and all about you, that I haven't been able to think about myself, but I might do the same as you. Just settle down." 

I asked," Do you know who you will settle down with?" Mikasa gave a small laugh and said," When this is all over, I plan to confess to my love. I don't know how he'll react, but I hope he feels the same." I said," I'm going to confess to my love." I tightened my grip on Mikasa's hand. I loved her so much, and hopefully I can tell her.

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