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Chapter 1

*Mikasa POV*

We were on an expedition. A titan had grasped Eren in his hands. I was quite far away from him. His hands were bound so he couldn't transform. I hurried over there as fast as I could. The titan almost ate Eren but I killed it immediately. I caught Eren as soon as possible. I let him down on a  tree. We seemed to be quite far from our squad and everyone else. 

I also didn't tell anyone that I was going after Eren, so nobody knew where we were. Eren asked," Thanks, Mikasa. You came at the right time.....but how did you know I was here? I was far from everyone else?" 

I shook my head," Don't worry about how I found you." Eren questioned," We're quite far from everyone else......we should get back as soon as possible. It's not safe for us to be out here alone." I nodded. I wanted to leave but it turned out, I didn't have any gas left. 

Eren said," You used it all trying to save me.....God dammit! I'm so useless! Why do you always have to save me! Mikasa, don't you get sick of saving me!? I get into trouble every day! You always have to either save me or stop me from fighting! Why do you always do that!?" I looked away, "You don't need to know." I whispered," I promised your mother I would....I also do it to repay you for long time ago and because I..-" 

I stopped speaking because Eren moved towards me and put an arm around my waist. I gasped and he pulled me close. He said," Yeah um...I'm going to hold you in order to get us back. You don't mind..do you?" He looked away. His face was turning red. 

I said," It's fine. Let's just get back as soon as possible and with as little gas as possible." We started going back. On our way, a titan hit the ODM gear line. We fell and landed hard. The titan picked me up and crushed my ribs. I screamed out loud in pain. Eren shouted," Mikasa! Let her go you monster!" Eren transformed and hit the titan that was holding me. 

He killed the titan straight away and then got out of his titan. He ran up to me and asked," Mikasa, are you okay? Hurt anywhere?" I nodded my head," My ribs just feel sore, but I'll be okay..." Eren held me again and I seemed to black out while he was holding me. When I woke up, I saw Eren next to me and the sun shining brightly. I opened my eyes and lifted my head slightly. 

Eren was sitting next to me and exclaimed," Mikasa! You're awake! How do you feel? I noticed you blacked out while I was carrying you! I noticed because your weight got heavier! Are you sure you're okay?" I smiled slightly and said," I'm alright. I just might've, you know, maybe, kinda, sorta......broke my...ribs." 

I gave a slight laugh and Eren had a worried look," What! You broke you're ribs! Armin, are you hearing this?" Armin was riding next to us and said," Mikasa! We need to get back as soon as possible! We need to get you help." 

Eren then mumbled," If only my dad was still alive, he would make sure that Mikasa would be okay instantly." I put my hand on Eren's hand and said," Don't worry. I'll be okay. There's LITERALLY no reason to be scared or worried."

Sasha then said," Yeah....until we get back and you fall on the floor, DEAD!" Eren gasped. Jean said," I don't think Mikasa will die." Connie said," But then again, with broken ribs, she probably has a high percentage of death." Eren exclaimed," You do know how we're talking about, right! M-I-K-A-S-A.....A-C-K-E-R-M-A-N!" 

Eren said my name so slowly. Armin said," Yeah, we know who we're talking about. It's just...when it comes to someone or something that isn't you, she doesn't seem to care so much. Remember when we were kids, she would go berserk to protect you." 

Eren rolled his eyes. "Yeah, she needs to stop that. There are other things to care about in this world, other than protecting me..." Eren voice trailed off. I said," Eren......This world is a cruel place.....This world is a dark place......You make this world worth living in."

7 PM. They all have all just finished eating and are in the quad.

Eren had just finished shouting at me because I always save him. Armin was saying," Eren, she's not going to listen. There's no point in continuing." Sasha nodded her head," I fully agree with Armin. He's right. How many times have you told her to stop, and she just continues? Don't waste your breathe." 

Connie and Jean shook their head in agreement. Eren shouted," Yeah, and I HATE that she never listens to me. And this experience is making me realize that I HATE Mikasa! I've never loved her or even slightly liked her! I NEVER should have saved her all those years ago!" 

I gasped. Eren ran to his room. I lowered my head and kept back tears. I left and went to my room. I didn't want to be near anyone right now.

<Armin POV>

Eren had just said that he hates Mikasa. She left and went to her room. None of us did anything. We all just stood there. In complete shock. Suddenly, an idea popped into my head," Guys, I have an idea! I know that Eren loves Mikasa-" 

Jean stopped me and said," How?! He just said that he hates her!" Sasha put an arm on Jean's shoulder and said," We all know you love Mikasa,  but don't you think that Eren and Mikasa look cute together?" Jean exclaimed," How do you know that I love her!?" Connie said," Yeahhhhh....about that....You know when you were talking to me a couple days ago...well....Sasha told me that all of them heard you say so yourself."


(Connie POV)

Jean had just walked into my room and asked," Hey Connie, can I talk to you?" I answered," Yeah, sure." Jean sat down next to me and asked," You're going to see you folks in a couple days, right?" I nodded my head. I had already asked Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange, along with Commander Erwin. 

Jean continued," Anyway, I wanted to know if I could come with. I really don't want to be here anymore." I asked," But why, all of our friends are here?" He answered," Because of Mikasa... She's all over Eren. I can't take seeing that-" I interrupted him by saying," What! Why? I don't see anything wrong with Mikasa being around Eren. She's like that all the time." 

Jean said," I like no love her, that's why! Eren doesn't deserve her! He doesn't appreciate her the angel she is! Do you know how many times I've wanted to kill that dude because of how he screams at her or what he says!" I lowered my voice to slight whisper," There's no point in fighting it....You know the truth....You need to accept it." 

He got angry, stood up and said," No! I'll never accept it! Mikasa WILL fall in love with me! I'll make her! I'll be more dashing and better than Eren! How can she love him?! What's there to love about him?! He's a suicidal maniac, that's what he is and that's what he'll forever be!" I shook my head. There's no point in trying to reason with him.

Flashback over

<Armin POV>

 Jean said," Damn it! No one was suppose to hear it!" I said," Well, we all kinda heard it." I put my hand behind my head and gave a slight laugh. Sasha jumped towards me and said," Well, don't leave us in suspense! What's your idea?!" 

Connie laughed and said," Wow, I thought you only got this excited for food!" Sasha rolled her eyes and said," Yeah, well there are 3 things in this world that I get excited for." She lifted her fingers and counted," 1) Food, 2) Delicious Food and 3) Erka." 

Connie titled his head to the side and asked," What or whose Erka?" Sasha smiled," It's Eren and Mikasa's name combined. Er for Eren and ka for Mikasa!" I said," Well anyway, here's my plan-"

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