Nayomi's confession.

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Chapter 18

*Mikasa POV*

I was sitting in Eren's bed. Everyone came in and I heard someone knock on the door. Eren opened it and we saw a small girl. She looked like she was about Armin's size. I gasped when I realized who it was. Eren let her in and I stood up. 

I said," Nayomi, what do you want?" I fell back on my bed, by accident. Nayomi smiled and said," Wow. Big sister remembers me. Even though it's been what 10 years. Since I'm 14 and you're a year older than me, you are 15. And I can't ever forget Eren's age. Of course he's 15 also!" 

I tilted my head," Nayomi, how do you know Eren? I only met him after Mom and Dad died. We didn't live near him." Nayomi laughed out loud," I see you're still as stupid as ever-" Captain Levi hit Nayomi on the head and said," Nayomi, don't be rude to your older sister." 

She got angry and said," I don't care!" My aunt put her hands on her waist and said," Nayomi Ackerman! You cannot disrespect Uncle Levi like that!" Nayomi shouted," Why can't I! It's not like he's married to you anymore!" I said," Nayomi *coughs 6 times* It's best not to fight them and you know it." 

Nayomi turned around and said," Ah! Look! It's Eren! After 12 long years! I'm finally seeing you!" Eren looked confused," Um, who are you?" Nayomi holds her hand out and said," Don't you remember me? Nayomi Ackerman. I was the 2 years old you met, years ago." 

Eren shook his head," No, I don't remember you at all. The only friends I remember making when we were kids is Armin and Mikasa. I don't remember any Nayomi." Nayomi slapped Eren across his cheek. His cheek started to turn red. 

She shouted," Eren! How dare you! I was so excited to see you after all these years, and you don't even remember me! I hate you! You're just like my sister!" Nayomi faced me and said," Big sister, how do you-" I got up and slapped her. I said," Nayomi, who do you think you are! You came her to hurt me and me only! I won't allow anyone to hurt Eren! I don't care who you are!" 

Nayomi held her cheek and said," Tsk, if I didn't move away, Eren would've belonged to me." My aunt shook her head and said," She had better not be dating him. I said that you can't date Mikasa, but Nayomi can." 

Captain Levi scoffed to the side and said," Keh, that's just like you. You always favored Nayomi over Mikasa. You never even cared for her. The only reason you are here, is too make sure Mikasa is okay. And I know why you're doing it." 

She looked to the ceiling." Really. Levi Ackerman, the straightest arrow I know, has figured it?" Captain Levi gave a small smile," You can't be married to a person for 7  years and not know their personality." I said," I'm feeling light headed. Can you guys be quiet?" 

Nayomi laughed," Hah! Knew it! You've got a week left!" Armin asked," Nayomi, how do you know Eren?" Nayomi looked at Armin and smiled," Years ago, 12 to be exact. My dad took me to Dr. Jaeger. When we got there, my dad said 'There we go Nayomi. Eren, keep her company.' You picked me up and took me to your room. You played games with me and you were smiling so brightly. When I left to go to Marley, I swore that I would come back one day to see you again. But I hated Big Sis, so I didn't want to come back. And also, when I got the news about our parents, there was something else in the letter. Look here-" 

She took out a letter and gave it to Eren," Don't read it out loud." He said," Nah, I'm going to read it out loud."

~Eren POV~

Nayomi had given me a letter. I had opened it and started to read:

To Nayomi *Mikasa's younger sister*

I have horrible news to deliver to you. Your parents have unfortunately died. Do not worry about Mikasa. She is in my house right now. I am Carla Jaeger. If you want to come live with us, then you can! I'll happily invite Mikasa's younger sister to our home. By the way, your sister is a dream to live with. So different from my Eren. But I still love them both very much. Mikasa is also really strong. I've seen her fight the bullies that fight Eren. I hope you're having fun in Marley, with your aunt.

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