Mikasa's dream

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Chapter 9

Mikasa's dream

*Mikasa's POV*

I was in the dining room. Eren and I had just come back from collecting sticks. Carla had made food and we were eating. Suddenly, we heard a knock come from the door. Grisha went to answer it. We saw my parents! I shouted," Mom, Dad!" I got up and ran towards them. They hugged me tightly. Mom said," Mikasa, my baby angel!" 

Dad said," Mikasa, my baby girl!" Eren walked up to us and said," Your parents?! They're alive? Nice to meet you, Mikasa's parents! I'm Eren Jeager, Mikasa's brother!" Mom said," Nice to meet you, Eren." Dad walked towards Eren and ruffled his hair. Our parents started talking and Eren and I were sent into our room. 

Eren said," Who knew your parents were still alive!" I said," Yeah, it's amazing." Suddenly, everything went black. When I finally saw light. I saw people in front of me. My parents were standing there, Eren's parents were to. 

And finally I saw a man I didn't recognize. Eren came behind me. He looked like he was still 13. I said," Eren, what's happening?" Eren said," Mikasa, you have 3 options. Number 1-" He pointed at my parents," You can go with your parents, but you'll only see my family and I once a year. Or 2-" He pointed at his parents," You can go with my parents, but you'll only see your family 1 a year. Or 3-" The pointed at the man," You can spend the rest of your life with him." 

I asked," Eren, who is that?" Eren laughed and said," Mikasa, that's me when I'm 19. I asked you if you'll run away with me. We would start a new life together. Alone, just the 2 of us." I said," This is a hard choice, why can't I have all?" Eren said," I'm sorry but that's not possible." 

I groaned and said," Alright, let me think." I thought. Either I could be with my parents, Eren's parents or I could run away with Eren. I sighed deeply and said," Alright, I've made my choice. I'm going to choose Eren." Suddenly, it seemed as if I blacked out. 

When I opened my eyes, I saw Eren lying in front of me. We were in a bed. I sat up and looked around. Eren opened his eyes slowly. He sat next to me and said," Good morning, babe." I gasped," Eren, since when do you call me that?" 

He smiled and hugged me," Since we told that we love each other. Mikasa, I'll keep that promise that promise to stay by your side, okay." I nodded. Eren looked at me and asked," Are you hungry? I can go make us something." I nodded. He got up and said," Sure! Let's go downstairs." 

Eren went downstairs. I called to him," Eren! I'm going to explore the house! I'll be down in a sec!" Eren shouted back," Sure! I'll start breakfast so long!" I got up and started looking around. The house the quite big. Eventually, I went downstairs. I sat by the table. Eren came and sat opposite me. This was nice.

6 months

I've been living with Eren for 6 full months. Eren loves to take me out. We love going on walks outside. I was lying in bed next to Eren. Eren said," Mikasa, what do you do if I died?" I said," I don't know." 

I fell asleep but heard someone screaming," Mikasa! Mikasa!" I woke up immediately. I went downstairs and saw Eren. There was a women standing near the door. She was holding a gun. Eren looked at the women and said," There! You saw Mikasa! Can you leave us alone now!" 

The women laughed and said," It's not that easy Eren." Everything after that felt fast. I heard a gunshot. I saw Eren get shot and the women ran away. I went to Eren as fast as I could. I held him and said," I-I don't want to lose you, Eren. You promised." Eren said," Listen to me Mikasa. I love you more than you could ever imagine, please remember that-" Suddenly, I heard someone saying my name.

End of Mikasa's dream

Eren was saying," Mikasa. Mikasa! Wake up!" I woke up and asked," Yes Eren? Is something wrong?" Eren said," Nothing is wrong with me, what about you?" I said," Nothing is wrong with me, but the dream I had lasted forever. But what was it about?" 

Eren asked," If nothing is wrong, then why were you  whimpering in your sleep?" I asked," I was? I seriously can't remember my dream." I looked down to see that I had a shirt on. I asked," Um Eren, why do I have a shirt on? I fell asleep without a shirt." 

Eren said," Oh! I thought that I'd put a shirt on you. Is that a problem?" I shook my head. I lied my head back down. I had a massive headache. I asked," What time is it?" Eren answered," It's dawn, so I'm not really sure." I answered," Okay." I didn't feel like getting up. 

Later, In the Mess Hall

We were all eating when Captain Levi and Second Commander Hange walked in. We all stood up and greeted them. Captain Levi said," Everyone, emergency expedition! Titans were spotted in the west side! We leave in a couple minutes!" 

We nodded," Yes Sir!" Captain Levi continued," Also, Hange will be joining us on this expedition." Second Commander Hange jumped up and shouted," Our first expedition together! I'm so excited! Can't wait to see an abnormal titan!" Captain Levi grabbed Second Commander Hange's ponytail and said," You're already an abnormal titan. Now go and get ready for later!" We got ready to go.

<Armin POV>

 I was walking with Sasha to go to the horses. I said," We must never tell Eren and Mikasa about what we did. I didn't plan for this to happen. None of this is going as planned." Sasha exclaimed," No! It's going exactly as planned! Last night, I saw 'Mikasa' kissing 'Eren's' neck. You know what that means. Eren was kissing Mikasa's neck! I also heard what Eren was saying! It was so cute! I didn't open the door, cause I thought they would hear me. I wanted to stay and hear more, but you called me." 

I laughed," Wow Sasha!" We left to go to the horses. We got 1 for Sasha, Eren, Mikasa and myself. We brought them back. Jean and Connie already had. Second Commander Hange and Captain Levi already had horses. We had left the wall. I kept an eye on Mikasa and Eren, and so did Sasha. We felt so bad that they had to go through all this. I was going to make this up to them, when we came back.

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