The question is.......

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Chapter 19

<Armin POV>

Mikasa had just asked what Nayomi and I talked about. I said," Well, I don't really think you need to know about that." Eren asked," Armin, you're not hiding anything from us, are you?" I said," No, don't worry. I'll tell you another time." Eren and Mikasa sighed." Anyway, It's lunch time. We should all go and eat. I'll bring you some food, my love." 

Eren bowed and rushed out of the door. I looked at Mikasa's aunt who said," Levi, can you please keep Eren away from Mikasa. She deserves to be with someone that looks good, and handsome, and that's smart, and-" Mikasa interrupted," There's nothing wrong with Eren! He's fine as he is!" 

Her aunt exclaimed," Mikasa! Look at him for goodness sake! He doesn't look smart, and he's not that handsome or good-looking! Open your eyes! Not that you can date anyway!" Mikasa turned her head to the side," He looks fine, and he's actually quite smart. You would know that if you got to know him before saying that!" 

Her aunt waved a finger," Mikasa Ackerman! You are not going to shout at me over my decision! I'm your aunt and I will tell you who can and can't date!" Mikasa weakly stood up. Sasha moved towards her to try to help her but Mikasa silently told her to stop," Yes, you are my aunt. But you will not tell me who I can and can't date. I will date who I want." 

Her aunt walked towards her and said," You are a child still! You cannot be making these decisions alone! Fine. I'm allowing you to date anyone but that boy!" Mikasa walked to the door and said," I don't want to be here with you anymore." 

She stormed out. I said," Mikasa wait!" Except Mikasa had already left. I wondered where she went. Sasha said," Um, was that a good idea? Should Mikasa be walking in her condition?" Her aunt answered," I don't care. And to be honest, I never even cared about Mikasa. She was annoying since she was born." 

I asked," But didn't you live in Marley?" She replied," Yeah I did, but I always got letters from her, except they stopped when Nayomi moved to me." Jean asked," But how can Mikasa be annoying. She's just so......" Jean kept quiet and looked at Mikasa's aunt, who was staring at him with a death look. I laughed and put my hand behind his head," Yeah, about that, maybe you should just keep quiet." Connie nodded his head," Yeah, don't wanna lose your head."

~Eren POV~

I was fetching Mikasa some lunch, because of her condition, I didn't want her to get up. I called her 'love' before I left because I found it cute, and loved messing with her. I just imagined how red her face was. I suddenly saw Mikasa coming towards me. 

I gasped," Mikasa, why are you up!" I ran to hold her. She was burning up quickly. I said," Mikasa, you should be lying in your bed! Why did you come?!" She weakly replied," I-I was fighting with my aunt." I asked," About what?" 

She shook her head," You. She was bad-mouthing you. So I defended you, and stormed out." Mikasa's legs were getting more weak as we were standing here. I said," Mikasa, we need to get you back! I can feel that you are losing all your energy!" 

Mikasa exclaimed," No! I can't go back! I don't want to see my aunt again!" I lifted her up *bridal style* and took her back. I opened the door and said," WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU GUYS! WHY WOULD YOU LET MIKASA GO OUT ALONE!" I put Mikasa in the bed and said," You guys are insane!" Her aunt said," Look whose talking. She decided to storm out, herself." I said," And none of you tried to stop her?!" They all shook their heads. 

Captain Levi said," No one went to stop her because my lovely ex-wife told them not to." Sasha nodded her head," She practically shouted it at us." I said," Can you use your head, for once! Mikasa is in a horrible condition! She only has 1 week left to live! She shouldn't be walking around! What kind of aunt are you!" 

She said," You are not going to disrespect me! Levi, do something!" Captain Levi looked to the side," Tsk, I don't care. Say whatever you want Eren." I said," Ugh, whatever!" I turned around to see Mikasa breathing hard. I kneel next to her and asked," Mikasa, are you okay? You don't seem okay." She didn't answer. 

Armin said," We should get started on the vaccine. But the problem is, we can't get Mikasa to translate the language." Captain Levi asked," Show me the writing." Armin nodded and gave the book to Captain Levi. He opened the book and said," I understand this. We can go and I'll translate this. Since Mikasa looks as if she's about to die." 

I said," Yeah, you guys can go try to get the vaccine. I'll say by Mikasa's side. She's not looking to good." They all nodded and left the room. I got into the bed, next to Mikasa. Her breathing had slowed down a little. I held her in my arms and said," Don't worry Mikasa. I'll be here as long as you need me to. I'll hold you close."

I brought her closer and kissed her forehead. I heard her fall asleep. I gave a slight laugh," I really really love you. It's actually ridiculous how much I love you, Mikasa Ackerman." I slowly lowered us. Soon, I was lying on the pillow and Mikasa was lying on my chest. 

She was sleeping so soundly. I noticed that it got late quickly. I felt Mikasa moving a lot. I noticed that the moonlight was in her eyes. I softly lifted her to go close the curtains. 

But before I did, I looked outside. I saw cadets walking with garrison, scouts and the MP's. That reminded me of when we were kids. I looked back at Mikasa. I remembered how I would fight with Hannes, with Mikasa and Armin just watching us. 

Then I would go back home and get shouted at by my mom about fighting. I felt my eyes. I was tearing up. Thinking about my mom always made me slightly tear up. I went back to the bed and got in. 

I put Mikasa back on my chest. I felt her tug at my shirt. I looked down to see her breathing hard. I wondered why that was the case. Was she just having a bad dream? I didn't know. What I did know, is that I must pull Mikasa close. I pulled Mikasa closer to my chest and felt her slowly settle down. I always felt good knowing that I made Mikasa feel better. 

I did this when we were kids. Years later and I still can't show my emotions for her. I gave a slight laugh. I tried to fall asleep, but I couldn't. I couldn't sleep knowing that Mikasa is going through this. I fell asleep at about 12 PM

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