The End?

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Chapter 21

*Mikasa POV*

I was lying in my bed. I heard a knock on the door. I got up to open it. I saw Eren. He was wearing my scarf and had it covering his face. I gave a slight smile. Eren asked," Mi-Mikasa, why are you laughing?" I said," Your face. You don't really need to wear the scarf. Your face is as red as the scarf." Eren lifted it up higher. 

I asked," Eren, do you wanna come in?" Eren replied," Actually no. I want you to come with me." I confusedly asked," But it's quite late. I don't think we can-" Eren softly griped my wrist and started pulling me. 

As we got outside, I looked at the sky. It was really dark. I asked," E-Eren, do you know what time it is?" Eren said," It's 11 PM. Why do you ask?" I gasped," Why are you pulling me out at 11 PM?" Eren stayed silent. 

We reached the hill that we always sat on. I sat on the bench next to Eren. I lied my head on his chest. Eren held my hand and asked," Mikasa, do you like the fact that we've switched bodies?" I replied," I'm not really sure?" 

Eren gave a small laugh," That makes sense. If I can be honest right now, I felt the same. I didn't know whether I liked the fact that we switched bodies. But it has made me realize something important." 

I asked," What do you realize?" Eren suddenly hugged me. I gasped and Eren said," Mikasa, I'm sorry about what I said. It was a mistake." I asked," What do you mean?" Eren sighed," How I said I hate you. I'm really sorry for saying that." I raised my head, to look at Eren's eyes," Well then, if you don't hate me, how do you feel about me?" 

Eren looked away from me," I-I love you." I blushed," you too." I hugged Eren and when I pulled back, I gasped." Eren!" Eren looked at me, confused. Except he was in his own body! Eren put a hand on my face," Did we really just switch back?" I smiled," I guess so." Eren smirked," You wanna trick Armin and the others?" I asked," How?" Eren replied," They don't know that we have switched back. Let's trick them." I sighed," Sure."

The Next Day

I had gone to the mess hall. I was to pretend to be Eren. When I sat down, I greeted everyone. Armin said," So you guys turned back, did you?" I shook my head," No." Sasha asked," What did we see last night then?" 

Eren said," So you guys know?" Jean said," Was kinda hard to miss." I sighed," Well, now that everything is back to normal, we can stop acting like we were." Connie said," Mikasa, you do know that what you just said made no sense." 

I sighed. Eren said," One thing has changed though. One major thing." I asked," What?" Eren smiled," You and I have started dating." I blushed and lifted my scarf. I said," I don't think I'm going to get used to being called your girlfriend." 

Eren closed his eyes," Oh well. I could always call you babe." I turned even more red. Sasha sighed," Eren, you do know that you've got friends around you." Eren nodded his head. Were things all over? Could we live in peace, except for the titans? Could Eren and I be together? Is this the end? Is all the sadness over? I hope so.

And this is the end, I think. There might be a sequel, not sure though. Hope you enjoyed this story!

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