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—— Playlist ; "Motive" ( Ariana Grande )

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—— Playlist ; "Motive" ( Ariana Grande )

School —

Sunoo and I both walked to school together in the morning, a lot of eyes from the students were fixed on the both of us who's hand were publicly intertwining.

"Are they dating??" Half of the students that stood near by began to whisper and gossip away but it didn't stop Sunoo or myself from releasing the intertwinement.

"WOAH WOAH LOOK WHAT WE GOT HERE." Siyeon yelled across the halls with Sunghoon, making their way to us.

"First time we've seen you guys being touchy in front of everyone, did you guys finally give up?" Sunghoon raised a brow.

"Give what up??"

"I'm not dumb, did you give up hiding the fact that you're best friends?" He tall male tilted his head towards the two of us.

I awkwardly laughed, "Y-yeah, best friends. I mean yeah we've given up from hiding it at school." I cleared my throat.

Sunoo kept in a smirk, forcing himself not to let it out. He fixed his collar, looking back at the couple. "I don't care about what this school has to say about me or is, I'll be out of this hell of a school anyways."

"That's right, it's senior year and we won't have to care about the Shitty people we've met here and continue our lives. These annoying mutts can't go a day without creating chaos." Siyeon shook her head in disappointment.

"Let's get to class, we're getting late." I announced, the rest bobbed their heads in agreement. Joining the crowd of students entering classrooms.

"Welcome class, let's discuss about the art project I gave you a few weeks ago. I had you explore your inner selves and your partners, you've all been taking music classes. I'd like you to play a piece with any instrument of a song you favor or that expresses you. You guys don't have long here, I don't want to give out too much work." Mrs.Seo announced, her eyes showing a bit of sadness.

She's been with her students since freshman year and wasn't ready to let them go, not the best students of seniors she's had in years, she wanted to hold onto the beautiful souls.

"If you want to play a piece right now, you can do it right here. It will get you extra points. Any volunteers?" Asked Mrs.Seo

Sunoo rose his hand high in the air which he never usually does, he didn't like participating in class though he was an excellent student in class, he doesn't like communicating. He stays lowkey.

"Kim Sunoo? This is new, what piece would you like to play and which instrument."

"You'll see." The male simply responded to the lady that knitted her brows in curiousness.

Sunoo caressed his hands along the the tiles of the piano, smirking a bit at the thought of something. He knew exactly what piece he was going to play.

The boy took a seat on the bench that stood in front of him, taking in some deep breathes before placing his fingertips on the keys of the piano.

He swiftly shifted his fingers along the piano's white tiles, Mrs.Seo smiled in satisfaction. She never doubted Sunoo and his talent as a dexterous pianist.

A ball formed in the inside of his mouth as he went to play the harder parts of the piece. Students eyed him in astonishment, though they viewed him as a misfit...but they had to admit he was one of the most proficient students in this school.

My eyes gleamed watching my boyfriend play the piece that meant the world to him, the symbolized more than just a random piano piece, others play this piece without meaning.

—— pov

But he had a meaning to play it, the piece to him symbolized a butterfly who once had a broken wing but got lifted by the help and love of others, to where he met the most beautiful girl because of it.

If he hadn't played her favorite piece, she wouldn't have asked him to play it for him regularly and that would've changed a lot of things. That's why everything was so meaningful to him.

That's why she was so meaningful to him, she was his everything.

Sunoo lifted his fingers off of the keys, bowing towards the class. Mrs Seo applauded, "thank you sunoo, why this song though?? Why do you chose to play this piece?"

"I played this piece not only for myself but for the person who means a lot to me, I know I'm supposed to express myself but I wouldn't be who I am if that person didn't help me express my true self. That's why it's so meaningful to me. It's for my special person." The confidence in his voice was evident, the class cooed for the first time.

"May I ask who that person is?" Mrs.Seo questioned sweetly, Sunoo met his eyes with mine. Lightly quirking up his lips before replying.

"Choi Chaewon."


Flickerhoon is back with the updates : )

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