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—— playlist ; "na na"  ( trey songs )

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—— playlist ; "na na" ( trey songs )

—— 2 years later

"AHH!!" sunoo screamed as Seojun and Solbi threw water on him.

"Im gonna go on a date stop it!!!" He whined at his two cousins who stared at him with a smug look.

"Ok...go about and do y'all business. We'll be somewhere later!" Solbi pushed sunoo near the door as I chuckled, linking my arm around his.

2 years went by, it went by quickly. Sunoo learned a lot about his family and heard a lot of interesting things about his parents. They thought that if they told sunoo more things about his parents...that he would grieve more.

But no, after sunoo begged for them to tell him. They did, and actually...his mental health got better by the days. Hearing about his parents past life and memories made him happy, also realizing that he had a lot of the personality traits his mom and dad did.

Though his parents weren't here...their memories and past were still alive.


Sunoo looked back at me with loving eyes, we just finished eating. "Why are you looking at me like that??" I chuckled.

I could see the slight shade of pink that became evident on his face. "I just like to admire you, because you're so beautiful."

I playfully hit his arm, trailing my eyes to the ground. The male pecked my cheeks, "I want to take you somewhere, I think it will remind you of our high school days. It's been 3 years since we've graduated can you believe it??"

"When I think about it...it seems like yesterday." I gazed up at the quiet sky. Oh how time flies so fast and you can't even recognize it.

I thought that to myself while I was walking with sunoo to where ever he was going to take me. Was it the cliff ?? I haven't been there in a year...

"Sunoo are you talking me to the cliff??" I exclaimed with a happy face but he shook his head.

"That's for another time...when we're both ready. It's been nearly 2 years since we went."

"I'm taking you...well we're here. Step inside doll." He gestured out his hand,bringing me into the place.

Once I stepped inside, my eyes twinkled from the alluring sight in front of me. Butterflies...everywhere.

All of the sort, all different colors and shapes...even the blue ones at the cliff. I could feel the side of my lips reveal a wide smile.

"Sunoo! How did you find this place and no one's even taking care of it!" I stared at it in amazement.

Sunoo released a light laugh, "this is our place now, I was taking a walk but I kind of got lost in these woods and kind of stumbled upon this place."

Sunoo took one of the butterflies on his finger, "you see this Chae? It's on a sunflower, it's like me when I stick onto you."

"Yea you sure do love being around me." I bantered. Sunoo smirked at the last words that escaped his mouth...

"And I want to stick onto you forever."


My eyes nearly popped out of my sockets, tears brimmed up in my tear ducts. "Wait, sunoo you're not-"

Sunoo stood on one leg, pulling out the beautiful butterfly designed box...exposing the luminous stone that shined bright among the sun.

"You're the only one who deserves this ring...and the only person who deserves me. You didn't judge me while the rest did, you took interest in me and didn't stop bothering me until we eventually became friends. You've been by my side...from the best things to the worst. That's why I want to stay with you forever, you're my sun."

The tears that were stuck in my eyes released, I tried wiping them away quickly but more came out of my eyes.

"Choi Chaewon...will you be the sunflower to my butterfly...and marry me?"

I nodded my head vigorously, "yes!! YES!!" I engulfed him into the tightest hug.

Screaming and cheering was heard from inside, I turned to look at my side. The boys, Siyeon, Sunoo's family, aunt jang, Soobin, yeonjun, mom and dad.

"We've been waiting for this since high school!!" Siyeon shouted along with her husband, yup...those two got married.

"Ok let's skip to the good part and the most important part..." Ni-ki interrupted and everyone rolled their eyes knowing exactly what he was going to stay.

"We know...CAKE!!" They all replied in unison.

I guess this was it, this was our love story. Our happy ending...


Author's note —- epilogue will be posted tmrw.

Thank you all for reading my newest book, this book was written in my new format. So I'm glad many of you enjoyed it. And I hope you stay tuned for the Jay fanfic that I'm going to release soon.

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