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——- playlist ; "Own it" ( Drake )

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——- playlist ; "Own it" ( Drake )

—- home

I fiddled my fingers, sitting on the couch with both of my brothers next to my side. It was time to tell them about my relationship, I trusted them my whole life I don't want to keep anything from them.

"Yeonjun...Soobin I have something to tell you guys." I breathed out nervously, as the pit my stomach grew tight from anxiousness.

Soobin scooted closer to me in worry, "you seem scared, is there something wrong??"

I shook my head, "there is something I have told you guys yet but I should now because you'll know sooner or later...you guys know Sunoo right...?"

"That school's misfit?? Hell yea he's one hella good of a pianist." Yeonjun pointed out, complimenting Sunoo's skill for the piano.

"I told you I was close friends with him right??" I raised a brow, two of them nodded.

I inhaled deeply before releasing the news, "I'm dating him, I'm dating Kim Sunoo." I covered my face, waiting for their reactions.

Soobin flinched up from his seat while Yeonjun whined, "I KNEW IT!!" Soobin shouted, smacking Yeonjun in the head.

"Give me my the money from the bet we made!!" Soobin reached out his hand, waiting for the male to pay him.

The boys made a bet over if Sunoo and their little sister would get together, they knew something was fishy or that they recognized the feelings their sister had for sunoo before she recognized it herself.

"You guys made a bet off of my relationship with my best friend?!" I gasped, the two smirked. "Correction boy friend and yes we did!! I needed the cash!" Soobin confidently replied to the younger one.

"We knew you liked him, that's why we didn't question much it was very obvious. I like that guy, he's the only good one in your whole god damn school." Soobin patted my shoulder, I snickered.

"Ahhh money at last, I finally won in a bet!!" Soobin cheered joyfully, staring at the $50 that Yeonjun handed him.

"Yeah...that's all I had to tell you guys. I'll be out with him right now, he said he's waiting outside." I stared at my phone only for both of my brothers to run to the door.

"I CANT BELIEVE YOU'RE DATING MY SISTER." Soobin shouted, showing Sunoo the 50 dollar bill in his hand.

Sunoo tiled his head to the side, "she finally told you huh?" Sunoo chuckled to himself.

Soobin nodded, exposing a cheeky smile. "Let me guess, you bet $50 dollars for our relationship. It's very obvious." Sunoo added.

A incredulous look plastered on both of their faces, "how'd you know?!"

"You're known as the brothers who always made bets with each other, except Soobin never won them. Now he has." Sunoo clicked his tongue, pointed at the tall boy.

"Yeah yeah whatever!!! Get on with your date or whatever bye!!" Soobin grabbed my arm, pushing me towards my boyfriend while Yeonjun shut the door.

I could still hear Soobin shouting from joy, I chuckled meeting my eyes with Sunoo. "Hi there mr pianist." I kissed his cheeks, the male wrapped his long arm around my shoulder.

"Hi there love." The male's deep voice rippled through my ears. "Let me guess, you called me over at night for gas station slushees." I sighed, waiting for a response.

"Hmm, I wanted to spend some time with you. I was kind of lonely at home."

"Can I stay over with you then??" I batted my eyelashes, the boy's eyes closed a bit while he exposed a smile.

"Yeah I want that really bad, just come whenever no need to ask. After all you're my girlfriend now, isn't that right doll?" He bantered.

"Yeah yeah." I playfully rolled my eyes, giggling to his flirty behavior. After that we arrived at the gas station and spent the rest of the night together.


Author's note —-

Only like 10-15 chapters left, I don't usually end stories short because I'm used to writing 70 chapters but it's coming to an end soon!! Then I'll be on the way to releasing the Jay fanfic after my hiatus.

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