House made of glass

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Authors note: Thank you for reading this far💖💖
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Sry for the delay😢 but i'm going through some hectic times.

People speak sometimes about the "bestial" cruelty of man, but that is terribly unjust and offensive to beasts, no animal could ever be so cruel as a man, so artfully, so artistically cruel.

Fyodor Dostoyevsky

What is future?
Future is hope, it's a kind of hallucination, it's a kind of looking forward and staying linked to the past, it's what keeps us going, even though it is not guaranteed, on the other hand what is guaranteed, is now, now is at hand and what we do now is an indication of our future.

Anna stood in her living room with both men.
"We need to leave."
"Come on Anna lets leave..."
Anna was looking at her appartment, at each corner, at each memory with or without her father.
The appartment was wrecked as much as her soul was.
Cane took her hand and was leading her to the stairs.
It was like having an outside body experience, they were guiding her out of the last piece of land that she considered her home, her haven in her concrete jungle.

They reached the parking lot, both men had motorcycles, she took hers, James was holding her sword, he had taken the scabbard and put the sword in it. He gave it to her, she put it around her torso put her helmet and moved after them.
They moved through the city and reached the outskirts, they abandoned the motorcycles and went through the underground, they moved.

In Annas worst dreams, she never thoufht she would be walking in these tunnels. She wasblooking at the rails alarmed.

"These tunnels and teacks are out of order, they haven't been used in ages." James said looking at her alarmed face. And the rogue laughed.

Anna looked at him like wanting to kill him, they reached a ladder leading to the outside, James seemed like he memorised the maze of these old tunnels.
They got out, her eyes were alarmed by the sun, they got used to it.
They went inside a building, the building was located in an under construction area, it seemed abandoned, but looking at it thoroughly she could see some people on the roofs with riffles, apparently it was an area the rogues took.

She entered to the building there was some kids running around, the kids stood still when they saw them.
They seemed afraid, intrigued, looking at her and Cane like they had two heads.

James guided them to a door, he opened it and entered, they followed him, it was and industrial space, high ceiling, brick walls, large windows, blocked by wood and iron plates.
A table was in the middle, computers, weapons.

Anna was shocked, in the room there was 5 individuals, 4 men 1 women.
The woman was wearing leather, had red hair and some heavy make up.

"What took you so long?!" A man said to James, the man had his head burried inside a computer.

James looked at the woman, the woman looked back directly, they didn't seem on good terms.
"Why did you bring him here?! fucking Erebus Son, the fucking animal." One of the men directly attacked Cane.
Cane was going to return rhe attack but James stood between both men.
"Torren, stay were the fuck you are do you understand me? We are not looking for more enemies, he got what he deserved already. He doesn't need you too, do you unserstand me." James seemed to have some kind of authority over the man.

Anna stood in a corner next to a covered window, she peeked at a whole looking to the outside.
"Who is warrior princess over there?!" The women asked looking at James.
A grin played at Anna's mouth. Her hunch was right, this women and James were romanticaly envolved.

"Enough kara, enough everyone, these are Anna and Cane they will be joining us in our journwy fighting the league."

"Why does she looks like her?!"
A man sitting at the edge of the table looked at her calmly, he has some asian features, long black hair and he was ripped.
"She's her daughter."
Silence took over the room.
Anna never thought she resembled HER that much.

The man stood calmly eyeing her from head to toe , she thought she was going to have to fight this man, and he seemed like a fighting machine.

The man completed moving towards her, Cane was moving in parallel to the man, apparently the beast was thinking the same thing as her.
The man moved further, he stood in front of her.
"You are the one whom left."

Anna looked at him he was taller than her, buffed and handsome in a dark way.

Anna completed looking at the man without answering him.
The man extended his hand.
"Welcome to the lot."
Anna looked at the man and shook his hand.
Cane retreated.
James moved next to the guy with the computer,.
"Whats the status."
"We evacuated the 5 remaining units, Adam is enjured, nothing serious, he's going to survive, but we can't stay here for a long time, it's a suicide."

"How many people is there here?"

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