Days of our lives

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Authors note
Thank you for reading this far... and baring with me with this story..

It is since that day that their lives changed forever. Dimitry's wolf died and Anna was in denial of hers.
They moved to the city.. cities hide souls in its crowds. we are what we are and no one cares.. there we can afford to be what we are and no one cares.

Anna grew accustomed to the city it was inevitable with her newly found despise for wolves and their habits.

Some days leave their imprint on us more than others. That day changed Anna's life forever. The little girl learned how to cope with a new environment and finaly she felt that she belonged, finaly she stopped being the 17 years old traitor. There she came to be a woman with a loving father with no roots with no history. In cities we are just souls with no history. . Apparently its right what they say:"Life progresses with time".

When Dimitry Hollow was diagnosed with cancer, it wasn't a surprise to him. His wolf died a long time ago or maybe it was that long to him.
Sometimes our soul dies long before our body, than the body can fight so long before it breaks down, piece by piece, cell by cell. And maybe some of us long await the breakdown and welcome it with open arms and full hearts.
When that happens death is the outcome. Death is the long waited relief.

Life is full of surprises. When Anna knew her father had small cell lung cancer she didn't believe it. After all werewolves are immune to disease. But maybe the story was wrong.
Lung cancer, lungs are used to breath oxygen the source of life. Dimitry was deprived of his oxygen on that day when he of all people was sentenced for treason, when his own mate the love of his life chose to leave him, when the members of his family one by one chose the same.
When he was tortured by the son of his best friend. And when his childhood friend his alpha and the brother he never had chose to believe that he was capable of such a crime, of such a sin.
When the lungs are not being used they are meant to wither. Like all flowers die so do humans.

With therapy he held on for two years. Two long years were everything in his life changed. He saw his Anna grow from that young courageous girl to a beautiful women.

Life is a collection of days some are good others are bad, some pass by insignificantly and others are like volcano eruptions they leave their shadows for ages to come.

When Dr Ghalo reported his diagnoses to the family he didn't think that this grey haired man with the calm blue eyes could survive this long but life is full of surprises.
He was at the funeral Anna was poised as usual with her dark brown mid shoulder hair and her warm brown eyes tiny nose which was red.
The funeral was full of friends of the family. Every one was looking at Anna, Dimitry was her only family....

Their are a tiny amount of people in nowadays world who would just show you the real meaning of a family.
Those are Anna and Dimitry.
Anna cried, she cried the misfortune of her father, the betrayals, the life they had built.

No wolf was in the funeral of one of the greatest wolves of this era.
No wolf was in the funeral of the loathed traitor of the wolves kind. No wolf was in the funeral of the monster.
But everyone who attended was a friend and a family member.
Maybe family are the people whom you meet along the road and show you the kindness of standing by your side.
In all these days which passed they met a handful of people who became family.
And they all stood by Annas side.
The wolves will be happy the traitor who caused the loss of many lives is dead. Finally many can have their peace.

To Anna finally her father can have the peace he longed to. Maybe now his torture is over.

When the funeral ended and everyone presented their condolences she went to the apartment her father had bought for them. It was near her school and near her fathers work.

She heard the bell knock she looked at the screen it was Frank her fathers dear friend, they had studied together in university before her father returned to his pack, her father and Frank were law majors. When Dimitry returned to the city it was Frank who helped him  finding the job in the company and when her father made partner it was due to Franks connections and certainly her fathers clean record of no court losses.
Anna looked at Frank he looked years younger than her father even though they were both the same age.
Frank was the green eyes and black hair kind of guy that could make any girl swoon with the tux and the attitude...
And Frank brought the alcohol.... which was good for Anna, she was already ditching school for the day.
They sat on the ground around the coffee table with two cups and they emptied the bottle.
Anna woke up the second day tucked in her bed with a hangover.
Her head was banging and she threw her guts out. Yesterday was a long day. And this one didnt start any better.

She was late for her first course. Anna entered the class room and sat at the nearest empty seat. She tried her best not to make any noise.
"Thank you for joining us miss"
Professor Montgomry uttered with a sharp seriousness.
Anna couldn't care less. Than a bang hit the door and a blond girl entered with heels that could break Anna's both legs if she wore and the most flowery top anyone could see. The girl ran to the nearest empty seat which happened to be the one near Anna. "Hey there" the girl said with a sheery attitude.
"Mrs i am not gonna accept lateness and talking in my classroom, is that understood..?!"
And he eyed both of them.
The blond next to Anna took her pen and started to write.
"Isn't he a yum darling" the blond chick said to Anna after the end of the session.
Anna noticed the girl eying the retrieving bottom of Mr Montgomry with slight smirk on her face.
"I am Amy by the way"
"Anna, nice to meet you"
"I am going to grab coffee you seem like you need one"
"No it's ok"
"Oh come on girl don't feel shy"
Amy took Anna by her hand.
"Oh hey Amy" a boy with a hat and a cute nose said
"Amy girl where have you been" another one said.
"Ams saturday night was awsome" a handsome blond with a baseball cap said to Amy while winking at both girls.
Anna never went to the cafeteria it wasn't her comfort zone.
She used to order her coffee and enjoy it in the library or in the garden outside. Now this crazy cheery girl was taking her there.

Life is a surprising bitch.

Anna ordered her coffee which was greatly needed, even though alcohol was metabolized faster in a werewolf's body, Anna wasn't in touch with her werewolf side since ages or maybe since a particular day.
She wasn't even struggling to keep attached to it. Also being away from "them" for so long was enforcing the crack between her human and werewolf side.
Anna knew that and she stood watching.
Maybe like all her pack stood watching them. Watching the demise of her father and his ungrateful daughter. Like that she didn't feel compeled to heal the cracks between both her sides. And she nurtured the one she wanted; it made her weaker to many things and maybe stronger in other points.
It's hard not to belong.. or maybe it is harder to belong.
They sat at a table and Amy was telling her about people.
"You're new around here"
"You done all your 3 previous years here and i never saw you before..... girl"
Amy said with a shocked expression on her face and with an exceptionally high voice
Anna just nodded with her head.
"You're weird girl"

"Hey Amy where have you been"
"Sebastian, Oh i missed you, you asshole"
Sebastian introduced himself to Anna
"Hi, i am Sebastian Eams"
"Hi, i am Anna Hollow"
They chacked hands and they looked at each other. The guy had a million dollar smile and brown hair and the perfect brown orbs long eye laches and a clear tanned skin. The guy loooked coming out of a modeling magazine with the face and body to proove it. Clear toned muscles were showing under his shirt.
Sebastian noticed Anna checking him out and he smirked at her. Anna's face would have burned before in situations like this. But now she wasn't the same she changed.
Sebastian sat at their table and looked at Anna with a cute smile and cuter dimples.
Amy was trying to tell Anna something with her eyes and lifting her eyebrows while hinting at Sebastian with them.
Anna just shrugged her shoulders at her. The girl gave her a small girls sad face and Anna burst laughing, the girls kicked it in. And like that Anna was invited to a party which she usually declined but she didn't see the reason to that:
1. She needed the drink.
2. She was going back to an empty appartement.

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