In a perfect world

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In a perfect world Anna would never be late for the second day in a row this week. She wouldn't have been partying all night long with Amy the girl whom she just met in the same day. The girl whom she spent in her dorm room what was left of their night. And the girl from whom she had to borrow a black tank top and a tight jeans with some heels.

Maybe in a perfect world she wouldn't have even been in this situation, she would have been in her pack land, in the forest she loved, in a perfect world she wouldn't have been the traitor's daughter. She wouldnt have have been a monster of the tales.

Anna entered the classroom and sat in the nearest empty seat. The professor had already started and unlike professor Montgomery he didn't give her one bit of his time. Anna felt releaved but not quite the way she would have thought. She felt disturbed from the inside, she knew that it was something related to her wolf. She always felt this way when her wolf was disturbed. But her wolf didn't talk since that day in the forest. She just felt it but she didn't even try to contact her... it was fruitless.

Anna smelled the smell of fresh rain on forest ground. It was a delicious smell that she was accustomed to in the packs land but certainly not in the city.

At the end of the lecture everyone was asked to give an answer to a question and the paper would be graded.
Anna done her part she was one of the last people to give her paper since she had troubles to concentrate.

The professor looked at Anna through his deliciously thick eye lashes and black eyes.
She wasn't the type of girls to look at her professors but he was in lack of other words to explain her attraction.. he was yum yum.

She didn't know why she felt the need to touch him. It was just an insane feeling. She gave him her paper. Their fingers touched and their was fireworks. Beautiful fireworks.
His eyes widened reflecting hers.
He read her name Annabelle Hollow and his face just dropped. Anna stayed looking at him... she noticed all the changes in his eyes from love to disgust to hate.

"Need anything Miss Hollow" he said it with spite
"Nothing Professor"
she just turned around and the fight in her left...
She didn't expect anything more from her mate but her wolf had hope... a tiny hope, but it was there.
She once heard a quote: once you let go of hope you die.
This week had gave her wolf many blows but this one was deadly.
She felt her wolf retreat too deep inside her.

The tales are always true thats what her mother told her when she was young.
Mates always stuck by their other halfs it was what nature intended. But her mother already prooved tales were wrong. She prooved it first hand. So why would Anna be surprised if her own mate would just hate her from her name?.
She laughed within herself she couldn't but.
Anna had long before lost hope in the werewolf world... so why would she hope for a mate?
A rejection at first site was not something she hadn't expected. Maybe she had a little hope for a happily ever after with a mate.
But maybe that only exists in a perfect world where all cities are Paris.

Anna went to the cafeteria for a coffee. She was feeling her wolf withering more and more.

When we are young we are on top of the world. Than we start to grow a little older and we start to mature more, we enjoy the summer of our lives. And than we start to notice the hardships when the sunny days start to become scarse and the storms come. You see Anna's life was not a typical one! She encountered the storms when she needed to be playing in the pool. And she grew accustomed to the fog... the fog became her norm, her comfort zone.

Maybe in a perfect world some of us don't grow up earlier than they should.

Anna wanted her coffee and she wanted peace. She knew she wan't going to hear anything from her wolf for quite a while now. She was indifferent. What could she do other than that. No one in the wolves world fought for her before. Why would she start to fight for them now.
She didn't want anything from the man... just let her be and thats what he did.

"Hey Anna where have you been all morning? " Amy yelled from the middle of the cafeteria

" i had  class" Anna replied shortly and she sagged on an empty chair.

Than she resmelled the same smell of fresh rain. She didn't even look at the cafeteria door to know who it was. Amy was biting her lip and she kicked Anna from under the table.

"Isn't he yum yum" Amy nodded in the direction of the professor

Anna grinned at the peculiar choice of words that Amy had.

He looked in their direction Anna could still see the hatred in his eyes. She just grinned.
"I've seen better" Anna said
Amy looked at her shocked.
The man just looked at them, turned and left the cafeteria.
Anna was thinking why would a werewolf be living in the city and why would he be even working there. It wasn't making any sence to her. She was feeling heart ache. She knew it was her and not her wolf.
Maybe we stick to hope for as long as we can and than it isn't worth it anymore. Anna knew that it was the day when she lost hope in what she is.

A girl named Lucy came and said
"So i see you two looking at our new professor. Damien Anthony Maxwell"
Amy had her mouth agape. Anna looked at them the name ticked something in her mind but she couldn't remember where, what?
Amy grinned: "  you're saying our new professor is the hiar of Maxwell Holding" and the grin was growing wider.
Anna knew where she heard the name before. The Maxwell pack, they live in the forest near the city. But she didn't encounter any wolves during her stay in here for the last 5 years.
Or maybe she wasn't looking for any she just wanted to blend in. Since she wasn't in touch with  her wolf her smell wasn't that obvious.
She couldn't detect others as well as others couldn't detect her. But mates bond is stronger. Apparently some of the tales are true.

She couldn't make herself feel more loss. She didn't expect to find her mate at all.. especially in the same week she lost her father in.
Apparently she lost her mate too.
Everything that had to do with the wolves was going away. She became indifferent with time. She couldn't bring herself to hate him or to love him. She was broken into a million little pieces.
Maybe in a perfect world all mistakes could be fixed... or maybe just maybe in a perfect world their is simply no mistakes.

It was a long school day she was too tired but she had a project that was due for the end of the week and she hadn't even touched it before... the Library was quiet when she entered.. she exhaled a breath she didn't know she was holding, it was the quiet and the smell of old books that made her relax a little. The project was about juvenile crimes and she had alot of work to do. She soon became lost in the books and the notes.. After a while she went to the shelves again...
Anna was holding too many books when she bumped into something or maybe someone and the stack of books she was holding dropped into that person's legs.
"Oh my .. i am so sorry"
Anna looked at the man who seemed stunned with coffee stains all over his expensive tux and coat.
Anna couldn't but laugh at the struck face of the man she never saw him as speachless.
Anna brought a nearby box of tissues and she tried to wipe the tux ......
The man told her with a very hard tone
" i am sorry professor" Anna seemed like a little culprit caught red handed.
" i know you are Miss Hollow"
He looked at her with piercing eyes that Anna had no doubt could break stone.
Anna couldn't but giggle.
She could see his eyes softening one bit and her delusional self thought that he was checking her out especially her ample cleavage that this tank couldn't hide. Certainly with courtesy of Miss Amy.
The man just turned around and left...
What a day she thought to herself.. Anna gathered her books and left the premises... a porsche nearly hit her... Anna noticed the driver. It was none other than Damien Maxwell with a pretty blond on the passengers seat.

Anna completed her way back home she just tightened her coat around herself and walked the way. Like nothing happened...

In a perfect world there is no happily ever after.. maybe there is always happily.
In a perfect world it is always summer...
But what is life without a little fog...

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