Sunflowers and daisies

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Anna woke up late that day.. she didn't go to school she just sat staring at the buildings around .. maybe this city became her new forest.
The mind is such a traitorous antity that's what Anna discovered that day.. thinking of the past was not on her plans yet she sat there thinking of what could have happened to her life.. she never regreted her decision that was always clear to her. And she didn't regret it now even after her mates rejection.
She was remembering her self as a little girl in those fields surrounding the pack members houses.. the sunflowers and daisies.. the families that use to live together on many lanes in the pack land it was a beautiful community of which she never thought wrong. Alpha Nickolai ran a tight pack.. there was little problems nothing of which was much serious. they lived in peace. Most of the girls were mated to members of the pack.. it was the norms.. they lived most of their lives on the pack land and they were genuinly happy.. she thought her life was going to be the same as other pack members.. why should she be any different?! But oh my her life was the peculiarity.. something that never existed before in the wolf community.
One could not call Anna a rogue because a traitor isn't considered apt to take a title and a rogue would be  lifting him in the society ladder.. A traitor is filth...

Anna left her appartment in the afternoon she was wearing a leather jacket some jeans and black boots she had a hat on the weather was terrifying. She went to a coffee shop two blocks away.. it was the first time she goes there it consisted of a bar and low number of dark wood tables and chairs it was cosy and warm.. she sat near the window looking at the rain it was becoming a storm outside but she didn't feel the urge to go back to the safety of her home..
She ordered a cup of coffee, took one of her law books and started reading...
A man entered the shop.. he was more than 6 ft tall had dark brown hair and beautiful blue eyes he went sat on the bar and ordered a cup of black coffee.. it was late in the afternoon he looked tired.. she thought why am i staring at this guy.. she stoped looking at him and got back to her reading.. the waitress was all over him.. apparently they knew each other.. they were laughing..

The guy came and sat on the table nearby and on the chair facing her.. Anna was taking notes at the time.. she didn't notice him.

The guy was looking at her in a weird way he shook his head he felt that something was wrong but he couldn't put his hand on it.. Anna knew he was a wolf.. she didn't know him he didn't belong to her pack but he surely was a wolf..

Life has many surprises they say.. before she would have been happy to see an outsider since her pack land was so big and the nearest pack was a four hours drive. Now she didn't care she minded her own business this economy law book which consisted of many cases was detailed and too much tricky she needed to concentrate. Anna was tired.. and yet in a small way happy.

"Hello there"
Anna looked at him is he speaking to her?!!
He had a lop sided grin
"I just said hello"
Anna answered him feeling weary
He answered with confidence..
"Why so serious!"
"Excuse me" Anna's tone got a pitch higher

The man stood came and sat on a chair facing her on the same table..
He had a grin on his face..
" Gabriel Ortega.. nice meeting you..
Sorry if i was being rude.. it's just weird that a beautiful women like you is sitting alone here"
Anna was awed.. the guy was so handsome with an angelic face.. his eyes were just glowing..
Gabriel Ortega she knew who he was! The name wan't unknown to her and to many people in the city: Son of Adam Ortega he is one of the few billionaires in the city.. his father owns the most famous car dealership in town. They own many lands and they are loaded.. he is a renounded bachelor with a ladies man reputation.
When she heard of him before she didn't know that he was a wolf..
Wolves are a no no for her.

Anna now had a grin on her face.
" Anna Hollow" nice meeting you..
She was sure that this guy was going to run away just like Damien did.. but she was wrong
"You are Jenny Hollow's sister?"
Anna was shocked to hear her sisters name outside her dreams.. the dreams that hunted her nights and days after the incident..
Anna remained cool a wolf can feel your distress really well.. through these years away from them she learned to control her emotions.

"If you know my sister than you know who my father is"
Anna asked Gabriel with a control that became her nature.
Her eyes were studying him he was too an alpha wolf.. she didn't care! she just wanted to be left alone.
Gabriel nearly chocked on his coffee..
He was angry but he didn't show it..
"Your fathers name is not talked about miss.. but your family are good people" he said it with a firm powerful voice
"Really they are?!"
Anna stood after she said that.. she packed her things.
"Nice meeting you Gabriel"
She said it with no conviction what so ever.
He didn't say a thing.. Gabriel was in shock when he was presented with this dare to humilate the traitors daughter.. he never thought that this girl is going to be the first one to reject him.. usually girls do anything and everything for that he gives them a single look.. not sit with them.. what is the bitch playing hard to get?!
Gabriel just said two words:
"Dare on"
Gabriel was always a confident kid he was the most powerful amongst his packmates.. he grew up to be a dazzling teenager that no girl ever could resist..he had the mentality the build and the apetite of an alpha wolf.. Gabriel was the pride of his pack . His father didn't like the player ways of his son.. but he knew that all of this will be fixed once his mate comes along. Gabriel was tight with his pack members.. most of them were friends and he was dear friends with a group of three boys the sons of the high ranked members of his pack.. people always thought them to be brothers they were all devilishly handsome and had tough personalities same build..mostly same height they were all blessed with the genes of high ranked wolves.. So when Benjamin one of those three presented him with the dare after seeing her with her human friends in Platinum he didn't hesitate.. it was going to be fun to wreck her. So when he entered this coffee shop seeing her here made him angry at first he wasn't in the mood for filth he was tired it was a long night he had his new work at his fathers corporation which was strenuous and stressful.. it was like his father wanted him to learn everything in a matter of days.. he also had to train his group of wolf fighters and then Benjamin convinced him to go to that club. But then thought that he would let off some steam with this dare so he came and sat on the table next to her.
After Anna left, Gabriel stayed in the coffee shop thinking of the ways he is going to humiliate her with and getting his plans ready to seduce the little bitch.
It was a long week for all of them.. Anna walked in the rain she arrived dripping to her apartment.. she just stood in the living room looking out of that ceiling to floor window..staring to the outside. Everyone was walking ahead maybe tired of a long day or decade which passed, maybe happy or living in inexplicable fear of tomorrow, or maybe she was just thinking about herself.... what she knew for sure was that she had to live because her father wanted her to do so. It was quite clear and that simple. Anna lit a cigarette and stared into the oblivion of a lost city full of human souls, werewolves double souls and agony. 

The change in the wind signaled a cold winter ahead..

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