Black Flowers, White Wine

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AN:this chapter is not edited.

They put her and the chair back up.. she re-looked at the guy.. 

One of the unmasked guys said the traitor is not here alpha, their is no scent of him he never stepped foot here.. Anna had freed her hands in the mean while she wasn't going to die without a fight.. she had trained with her father before.. he was a methodical fighter.. when he was young he was one of the warriors of the pack and then he studied law and got the diplomatic job . It was the end of the warriors days but he stayed fit.. he used to go to the gym to train with alpha Nickolai and the high ranks in the pack.. Anna freed her hands.. they were talking together.. arguing about this traitor guy... sure some innocent guy they had framed like they did to her father... she freed her legs and ran to the corridor... she used the inter phone called the janitor she said help police
Calling the police.. was involving humans in their work it was a really bad decision of her part. Its just that she didn't give a damn. 

She looked the alpha was standing looking at her putting down the phone. She looked at him and said : "Is the big bad wolf mad" Anna looked him in the eyes daring him.. It was just like in her nightmares. She always fought always. He launched at her Anna braced for it and did as her father taught her she aimed for the weaknesses the knees the crotch anything she managed to give him a blow at. She hit and hit. Than they circled each other like sparing in a field. She never reached that rank in her pack.. they didn't need female fighters her age they had enough and she didn't reach the grades that would allow her to join the fighters. Her father always told her that she was his little fighter. His little army and she was in the end of his life his only little army. 

She waited for him to attack again and she did something her father taught her. She retried to put him down.. he took her in a way holding her waist trying to pin her down she was struggling badly she took a vase and hit him with it. At this point they were wrecking havoc to her apartment, they seemed like too highly trained individuals going through a death battle , no one was backing down. His friends came barging on the corridor were they are fighting. She was giving him a really bad time that vase caused a gash on his face, He put her down he was trying to restrain her upper body while making her kneel using his own upper body force and well defined muscles but she used her legs to propel her and him down, now he was on his back still holding her body between his arms but she was breaking free. Anna kept fighting and kicking she wasn't going down without a fight and maybe inflicting some damage.

 And they heard the sirens. These sirens were her freedom ticket. She was just there and not there anymore. 

They left,they ran away. She was still struggling to breathe when the door was broken down by police officers.. they asked the medics to come she had some bad injuries.. they took her statement and asked her a lot of questions.. 

Sebastian came in he was so scared on her.. he directly approached her side he wanted to hug her.. kiss her and he didn't know how. Today in the morning was the first time since ages he sleeps with someone and feels this warm.. it was a feeling that reached his heart he felt safe. And he didn't know why.. he thought its his bad infatuation with this woman. She looked at him. She seemed so tired so fragile.

He asked the medics she didn't need a hospital she had gashes everywhere nothing that serious. When everyone left she was shaking.. she was looking to the outside thinking about what happened. It was already morning.. Sebastian packed her a bag with her clothes..
"You are coming to my house. It's not good that you stay here for now.. just to relax a little"
"No i wont leave my apartment. They should up security in the building"
"Come on Anna"
"No they wont scare me away from my home"
She looked him determined and she re looked outside hugging her legs.. watching her cement forest.. and everything faded around her. Anna slept on the couch. He carried her to her bed and started cleaning around the house.. he talked with the security company to up their measures he also talked to the janitor to ask him about the security in the building. 

Anna was having a dream she was in her wolf form in their forest, her packs nearby forest.. she was running feeling the freedom the air caressing her fur. It was freedom with the green trees and the lush carpets of flowers and grass surrounding her.  She could feel another wolf next to her guiding her running by her side. She looked it was her fathers dark black fur she could always recognize him. It was just like old times. Anna woke up with a smile tugging at her lips. Sebastian came in with a cup of tea . He was wearing a white shirt he looked stuning. He kissed her smiling lips. She kissed him back.
"Tea for the princess"
Anna laughed.
"I am no princess"
He looked at her  with a soft smile
"You are mine"
Anna took the tea and she started drinking.
She was thinking of all the what ifs.

What if all our dreams came true.
What if the sky wasn't blue.
What if her cement forest didn't exist and she is laying in her packs house with her mother caressing her hair.
What if we didn't grow old.
What if scares didn't scratch our souls.
What if scars didn't exist at all.

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