Past and present

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Authors Note: Thank you for reading this far 🖤🖤🖤
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Plz check out my other story

Fall in love with someone
who tastes like adventure
but looks like
the calm, beautiful morning
after a terrible storm

Nikita Gill

Anna laughed thinking what the fuck is the curse in here. It was her mates choice, his own choice, no one forced him to, it was hate at first sight.

"Thats interesting." Anna said while playing with the edge of her wine cup.
Gabriel was looking at her thoroughly.

Sebastian got back to the table he kissed her and sat.
Anna was thinking of Amy, does she knows what Gabriel is?
Amy got back to the table, she was genuinly happy.
In the middle of the dinner Anna could smell a familiar scent, her wolf was becoming more agitated by the minute. Gabriel recognised a couple entering. She looked at the couple and knew why her wolf was reacting in that way. The woman was Alyssa her sister she was with the same man she saw her with in the other restaurant.

The couple came to greet Gabriel while the waiters were getting their table ready.
Gabriel stood and hugged the man. Alyssa was shocked by her presence, she was looking at her thoroughly, shock was visible on her face, Anna looked into her sisters eyes. Alyssa started fidgeting a little. Her mate sensing her distress looked at her and then at Anna. Now he was shocked.

Gabriel started introducing the couple to the table.
"Mason Taylor a dear friend of mine and his fiance Alyssa Hollow. Mason is an engineer working in town now.

Anna thought yep an engineer... Mason had an Erebus Sons locket just like Canes but he didn't have Canes scars she thought bitterly.

Sebastian looked at Anna, he was thinking about the last name.
"You two know each other?"
He looked at her and her sister, who was visibly distressed now. Mason seemed concerned with his mate. He put his hand on her lower back trying to sooth her.
Anna was calm.
"No we don't"
Because actually they don't, she doesn't know her eldest sister anymore. It's been years since they talked, sat together or had a minimum kind of contact.

Alyssa didn't answer, she didn't show any kind of emotions while Mason looked at Anna in a way like giving her a warning. Apparently the lad knew her.
Gabriel looked more intrigued while Sebastian looked at her like she was lying but he let it go.
How couldn't he think she was lying and her and her sister resembled each other? Sebastian and Amy shared a look, Gabriel didn't talk. The couple left.
Anna was getting anxious she wanted to leave. But they already ordered dessert, she stayed hearing them talking, they seemed like good friends the three of them. Sebastian knows that she knows Gabriel but he didn't say a thing. He knows that Anna doesn't like him and he got it confirmed through this dinner.
Amy didn't notice a thing but the resemblance between Alyssa and Anna.
Anna went to the restroom to frechen up, the smell of wolves suffocated her she wanted peace and their was no peace around them.
She was putting some water around her face when Alyssa came to the restroom.
"So you don't know me Annabelle"
"I don't" Anna said calmly. She threw the tissu she was using in the bin, checked herself out in the mirror and moved for the door.
"So you are with a human, no wolves around here? You want to be scum like him. Or is it the money."

Anna found herself again not returning the insults or answering the fucking questions. It was not that she couldn't, she could have, but why for?
She didn't care what they thought about her. Also she didn't think that her first conversation with a family member in a while would be like this.
She left laughing, she thought herself going mad. How couldn't she spot the racism before. Were they like this home? She couldn't remember. But her father was never like this.

Anna went to the table told the bunch that she needs to leave and that she ordered a cab. Sebastian and Gabriel were discussing business, she kissed him, he looked concerned even a little mad, Anna said goodbye to the couple, Sebastian followed her to the outside, she had lit a cigarette waiting for the cab to make the turn.
"Whats wrong?"
"I have to go, i have a headache and i don't want to ruin your night."
She took a long sip of her cigarette.
"Go honey don't worry."
He kissed her, the kiss was so passionate. Sebastian grinned.
"You're so tempting me to go with you." He said it while grinning and he kissed again and again.
Annas heart fluttered, she felt a little better... like each kiss was mending a broken piece of her heart.

She reached her appartment oppened a bottle of wine and sat at her usual spot, in front of her window observing a world of cement.
She heard a knock on the door, she didn't understand, the janitor should have warned her, she looked through the screen it was Nicole. Anna could remember the bombshell.
"The fuck with this night" Anna thought.

She opened the door. Nicole entered.
"So it is you."
Anna thought thats rich.
"You what?"
"I thought they were lying about him having a mate."
"What did you come here for?" Anna asked Nicole.
"To warn you not to come near my fiance."
Anna laughed, when did she ever come near the guy. She even dropped his course in the university, she didn't want to see him, it was agony to her wolf.

"Done" Anna said "Anything else"
Nicole looked at her trying to detect the lie, she thought that Anna wasn't good in the mind.
"Why were you talking to him at Platinum?"
Anna laughed again thinking this requires something stronger than wine. She went to her wine cup took it looked at Nicole.
"It's none of your business but don't worry he's all yours."
Nicole looked at Anna like she grew two heads.
"If you come near him again their will be repercussions."
Anna laughed again. Whats wrong with people today.
"Again don't worry he's all yours."

Anna heard another knock at the door, she looked through the screen, it was Sebastian, she openend the door, he hugged her directly and then saw Nicole. He was shocked again, another shock tonight. His Anna was full of surprises he thought.

This woman is a fucking storm that rocked his world in a second. The second he met her he got lost in those dark sad eyes, they absorbed him, sucked his soul out left him empty, he couldn't feel complete but in her arms. He wasn't even sad about it he wanted to remain in her arms for eternity and a second.

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