This Is Not Over

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"C'mon Kirito" Rin says, he was gonna show me where's Asuna. We enter to a Hospital room, she was there,in a bed with the Nervegear on her head "...What happen to her?,Why she is not awake?" I ask him "Well When you destroy SAO the 95% could awake from the game...but the other 5% They are lost...they never awake"Rin says. "So you are telling me that Asuna is in Comma?" I ask sad "I think so" Rin says, "Can you give me a moment alone with her" I says "Sure, I'm gonna be waiting outside" Rin says. I walk next to her and I hold her hand & kiss her on the neck, I was so sad and Angry Cause if I would be more Strong I could Save her...If I just follow the Madoka Mission that it was Kill Death Gun maybe she will be Alive......I start thinking and....THAT Its, the 95% player were trap because of Ryuzaki but the other 5% player are trap by Death Gun...Maybe Asuna...Is alive, maybe The 5% are trap on another world With Death GUN. The question is where they are?.

I go out of the room and I ask Rin "Hey Rin you say that SAO is gone, right?" I ask "Yes" Rin says. "What if the Program,the Data of SAO is in another...Umm Game" I says "Ouh Kirito Don't be silly, hey I have to go now, see you later" Rin says and go.

The Doctor says that I can leave now so I go my house and look information of Sword Art Online's Data. NOTHING. Have to keep looking. *Knock Knock* someone knock my door I go and open it, it was Sugu "Sugu..." I say "Take, Mom say that I gave it to you" Sugu says, they were Cookies "Sugu...I'm very Sorry about what happen on SAO" I says "You don't have to be" Sugu says "Look Sugu I'm sorry if I treat you Like a Trash, I just...I don't want you to hate me" I says "Is ok, I don't need you" Sugu says and go to her room.

The Other day Someone Text me... IT was Lizbeth she text "Hi" I text her back saying how she get my number, she answers me that she ask the doctors. "Hey I want to tell you something Important...maybe you are gonna be Happyyyyy" Lizbeth text me I say Ok and she give me her Adress and I go

"OHAYO!!!!!!!!" Lizbeth says (Ohayo is Hi on Japanese) "Ohayo" I says "c'mon In" she says. She take me to her room and she open her Computer "Look this Is a New Game..." She says "Look Lizbeth I have others things to do" I says "Shut up and see" She says and it was a Photo of......Asuna..."HOW YOU GET THAT" I says "Well It's a Long Story" Lizbeth Says "Well...tell me Everything..." I says.

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