WaIt?!...You are...

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"Asunaa" I says running to her "Kiritoo"Asuna says. I hug her,I kiss her "What are you doing here?!"she ask "Saving you"I says "You are my hero"she says.

"AHHH" A guy scream "Where are you!!" A man says. Oh no...it was Ryuzaki with a helmet and a sword...He was LEVEL 174,how?. "There you are."he says "Stand back Asuna" I says taking my sword out "Heh...Control SAO Paralyze" Ryuzaki says and I couldn't move...no one. Ryuzaki was walking to me "You are gonna pay" He says He took Asuna with her "ASUNA,NOOO" I says "KIRITO" She says Crying.I try to move but I can't,NOT AGAIN NOT AGAING "ASUNAAAA" I says.

It was too late he leave with Asuna. We wait 17 minutes and we could move I run out of the Bar and I look for her,I track her but she doesn't appear on the map "SHIT" I says "Kirito what happen" A girl says, I turn around and It was Leafa "What?!" I ask her "Are you ok" she ask. "He take my girlfriend" I says "Who?" She ask "Ryuzaki" I says sad "I can help you find him" She says "No...I don't want you to die" I says "You are not my father" She says "NO Leafa You are to kind...I don't want to lose you" I says, I start running but Leafa Grab me "K-Kirito...I...I don't want to lose you too,Kirito-Kun I have a feeling for you...I loVe you" Leafa says Crying "Leafa...I have someone... I'm sorry" I says "But Why you care too much about her...What's her Name?" She says Crying "...Asuna..."I says "Asuna?" She ask Like scared "Yes" I says "Is there a problem?" I ask her "K-Kirito?! Do you ex is Hatsune?" She ask "How you kno--" I says but I realize "SUGU?" I Says "KIRITO!" She says.

Leafa(Sugu my "sister") Start Running away,all this time Leafa was Sugu.... I was on shock...how my sister.....enter to SAO.

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