Hades OC. (Part 2 of Lily and Hades)

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Hades OC. (Part 2 of Lily and Hades)

Note: Mal and the others are older in this.

Request by savannahester3

NOTED: I want to say that to people I @ for one shot, this one shot is an old one shot you have requested when you requested it. You really don't need to read it if you don't want to. It's just a better editing version of the old one shot. I didn't know if you wanted to be @ or not so I just did. I'm sorry. 


Third person POV. 

Two months later. 

It's been two months since the wedding and Lily and Hades getting together. Mal and Ben are still gone on their honeymoon/traveling but should be back in a couple days. 

Lily is quite happy to know that her friends would be home soon. She missed them dearly and was happy to know that they were coming back soon. 

Lily walks down the hallway to her room thinking about Hades. He has been the nicest person she has ever met. Well god. Well he is nice to Lily and Mal and some others but he could be an ass or annoying to others especially Carlos, Jay and Harry. He doesn't like them that much. 

Harry would flirt or place a hand on her and he wouldn't care if Hades was around. Of course Hades hates seeing or hearing someone flirt with her. Lily is his and only his. So the only thing he would do is wrap his arm around her and kiss her temple and do anything to piss off or annoy Harry to make him leave.

For Carlso and Jay he just doesn't like how close she is with them... well more of how they would get close to her as in placing their arms around her or hold her. Carlso and Jay really do love to annoy or piss off Hades, so they would wrap or hold Lily to them. Of course it was only friendly and they never crossed the line... except Harry. They kept it in all fun to piss Hades off. Hades isn't the biggest fan about it.

Hades smirks as he turns the corner and sees Lily but he was also very pissed off. Of course it was because of Harry. He had his hands all over her, Lily being oblivious of his nature didn't see the problem of Harry just placing his hand on her back but then again she wasn't really paying attention, she was distracted by Hades. 

She just didn't tell that he was pissed because she was in her dreamworld about him. She loves him already and she was very scared to say it. 

Hades rushes in front of her and swoopes her off her feet and holds her in his arms.


Lily giggles and looks down to him, "What are you doing?" She giggles out. Hades just smirks up at her but doesn't say anything but continues to walk to her room. "Fine. You are not going to speak to me I'm not going to speak to you" she said looking away from him. 

"No!" He whined out and smirks even bigger, "Don't stop speaking to me" he playfully jokes, Lily rolls her eyes and smiles down at him, "So what are you doing?" She asks. 

Hades just continues to walk down the hallway with her in his arms. She didn't mind him holding her, she actually really likes it when he would pick her up at random times and hold her close to him, it just made her feel special. She leans down and kisses his cheek and looks ahead. 

When they reached her room she reached out and grabbed her door handle and turned it for him. It opened without any problems and they were happily in her room. He places her down and walks around the room. Of course he has been in her room before.... but never alone... with her. Most of the time they have been watched by Ben's parents and Lily's friends. 

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