Hades x OC one shot

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Hades x OC one shot


Pregnant OC 

Name: Luna 

Luna is Ben's older sister


Age: 26

Hair: black

Soulmark: blue flame 

Third person POV. 

Luna stood by the sink slowly washing the few dishes that were dirty. The water was off since she couldn't handle listening to the loud rushing water hit the metallic sink. Her feet were slowly starting to hurt and her balance was slightly wobbly, but she wanted to do something then sit on the couch reading or watching reruns of whatever was on at the time. She was so distracted with washing that she didn't hear the front door open and shut and footsteps coming towards the kitchen. 

Hades could hear something in the kitchen and he was really hoping it wasn't his beautiful glowing pregnant wife. He got there with his hands in his pocket, his eyes quickly landed on the back of his wife. 

"What are you doing!" He yells out. 

Luna jumps, turns and accidentally drops the glass plate onto the ground, "HADES! How many times have I told you not to scare me?" She asks, holding her chest and stomach. She looks away from her beloved husband to the ground where the broken dish was, "that was a good dish?" She mumbles out sad. 

"I'm sorry love but how many times did I tell you to not do anything too big" he said. 

"Hey, doing the few dishes we have to clean isn't too big" she fired back at him. "I was bored too. It's boring sitting on the couch all day alone" she whines out. She pouts at him and his heart melts at her. 

Hades sighs and shakes his head with a small smile on his face, he snaps his fingers and the dish she had accidentally dropped and broke into tons of pieces was fixed and in his hand. 

"I'm sorry Love, you know I worry for you. You are due any day now" he said. 

Luna's face beamed big at her husband, "thank you" she said. She quickly but carefully grabbed the dish from him. "And I know... i just don't like being bored," she said, turning away from him and going to work on cleaning the dishes again as he stayed close to her. 

"I know and I'm sorry my Love, but I'm here now and I'm free for a couple months to help you with whatever you need and to stay close to you" he said walking over to her and wrapping his arms around her. 

He smirks and digs his face into her neck making her giggle. He smiles and kisses her neck a couple of times before he stops because of the feeling of his child inside his beautiful wife starting to kick again. 

"Yeah he has been kicking all day. Non-stop. It's kind of painful" she mumbles the last part to herself but of course he heard. 

He slightly tightens his grip around her, he snuggles his face deeper in her neck and smiles at her warmth. She giggles and smiles big. 

His hands rubbed circles on her belly as she finished the last dish. When everything was put away Hades dragged his Queen to the couch and sat her down. 

She groans and flops her hands to the side, “I'm still bored. Everything is so boring" she whines out. "My feet hurt too and I'm hungry" she pouts out. 

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