Hades x OC

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Hades x OC 

Request by superdopeygirl03




Hair: pink 

Eyes: green

Fawn POV.

I skipped down the cave with a smile on my face. I was hanging out with some of my friends and was on my way back to my love. I couldn't wait to see him, I missed him when I was gone but I also had so much fun with Uma and her crew. 

Hades. I love him. We have been together since I was eight-teen years old and now I am twenty-one. We have been together for three to four years now. 


I stopped in my tracks and looked ahead of me, I sigh. He must have gotten mad. He has anger issues and when he does he tends to... make a mess of the rooms. I end up cleaning up the mess he makes... with his help.... after I help him out... I’m mad at him, walking my way to the main room. I yelled out his name, "Hades!" I stepped in and the room was a mess. Like I had thought. "Hades, where are you!?" 

The room was quiet for a couple of seconds before he replied back to me. "In here!" 

He was in our room. I stepped over the mess making sure to not break anything more than it already was and walked my way to our room and stepped in. He sat on the bed with his hands over his eyes. "What happened there?" I ask him. 

He didn't say anything and I sigh. "You're helping me clean that mess up. Not now but later" I walk over and place my hand onto his shoulder. 

He quickly got up from the bed and stepped away from me. "What's wrong?" 

Third person POV. 

Fawn looked at him with concerned eyes, she hates when he shuts her out. She wants to help him. "Come on, you can tell me," she said. She walked over and went to place her hand onto his arm again, but he jerked away from her. "Don't touch me," he spat. 

Fawn stepped back shocked, he looked over to her but when he saw her face he felt bad. She looked so hurt and he hates when she is hurt. He calmed down a tiny bit. 

He didn't do anything but step away from her and his fingers through his hair, he was still frustrated, well more angry than anything. He had gone into an angry fit when she was gone. 

He was a God and now he was stuck here, he had everything and now he got nothing.... well except his girl. He was happy to have Fawn as his own. But he missed being free, he missed being able to do fun things, being able to leave this shit whole of a place and run around with Fawn of course. 

He wanted to show her everything he used to do but both of them are stuck here together. He was angry about everything and he couldn't shake the feeling off. 

It also didn't help that Hades is clingy towards Fawn. He has never felt this feeling towards any of his relationships before. Mals mom was well Mals mom, they never cared for each other that way. But being with Fawn everything felt right, of course they fought before but they always made up. His other relationship when they fight... they fight, hurt words would be yelled out, things didn't go well. But with Fawn everything was different. 

But that still didn't help him with getting angry. He would destroy anything in his path when he is angry.... except Fawn. 

He has never loved someone this much before. He loves Fawn so much and seeing her hang out with Uma, especially Harry Hook, he lost it. He was scared that she would leave him here to rot alone. He doesn't want to be alone anymore; he wants her, he wants her by his side, her as his Queen. 

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