Hades x Zaia OC Part 3

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Hades x Zaia OC Part 3

Hades one shot. In parts 


Hair changes to different blue, and very pale skin. And light blue eyes.

This one shot is one of my old ones. 

About her. 
Name: Zaia
Age: 18
Hair: blues 
Eyes: light blue eyes
Weight: 117.17 pounds 
Heights: 5'5
Soulmark: a blue flame

Younger twin of Evie. 
Mother: Evil Queen

Third person POV. 

Zaia's eyes went huge when she heard his voice call out to her. She was stunned.. How did he know? She wonders. She pushes up from the ground with red cheeks. She whipped her pants off before she came out of her hiding spot and stood far away from her soulmate. She fiddles with her jacket sleeves. 

Hades sat on his chair staring at her with gleaming eyes and bright big grin on his face, "how did you know I was here?" She asks him confused and innocent like. She slowly took a couple steps towards him as she played with something on her pants now. 

Hades watches her every move. How her eyes stare at him with innocent eyes. He could tell she was nervous, he could tell by her body language and expressions. Her fingers fiddled with anything she had closer to her. "Why are you so nervous, Kitten?" He asks her with a smirk on his face, "come here" he said, patting his lap. 

Her cheeks went even redder and her hair changed to a darker blue. His eyes gleamed with questions and adornment as he saw her hair change color. Zaia moves from her spot and slowly walks to him; she takes her spot on his small chair. She wasn't on his lap but she did want to but she was so awkward and shy to ask him. 

"Are you going to tell me?" He asks her with a raised eyebrow. "I... are you going to answer mine?" She asks him back. 

He chuckles and shakes his head, "I saw you sneak by. You can fool them but not me" he said, "now answer me" he said wrapping his arm around her lower body. "Why so nervous?" 

"I... I don't know" she whispers out. She folded with her fingers and kept her eyes from him. He smiles at her. "Do you want me...? I'm seventeen almost eighteen" she mumbles out to him. 

He was taken back. She was worried that he didn't want her...? He was fucking worried that she didnt want him because of his age and how he is the father of her closet friend. He could see in her eyes how worried and broken she was, her heart beating so fast in her chest as she awaits her answer. 

He brings his hand up to her face and pushes a stray of dark blue hair away from her eyes and places it behind her ear before he cupped her cheek and rubbed her cheek softly with the pad of his thumbs. 

She melts into his hands and moves closer to him with red cheeks again, "yes I want you. Do you want me?" He asks her. 

She was quick to nod her head, "yes, yes I want you. I want to be your soulmate but I'm so scared of losing Mal" she said out in one breath. She looks down and hides her face with her hair. 

Hades tenses up after hearing the name of his daughter. He knew that it was going to be a problem but he didn't know what to do about it. "I don't know," he said. "But that's o-" 

"No, don't say it's going to be ok! Mal could hate us" 

"I mean Mal already hates me" 

She ignored him and continued, 

"And my sister may hate me too... and... and" she closes her eyes tightly and tries not to cry, "and I'll be going back with the others to save everyone from Aubrey" she said quietly. 

Hades tenses up even more and grip onto her even more. She bows her head even more and crawls on top of him and digs her face into his neck. Both legs on each side of him as his arms wrap around her tightly and hold her close to him. 

Hades wasn't one of those guys that opened up his feelings, especially even show it, he was a dick and he knows it... but... Zaia was his fucking soulmate someone who he has been waitng for centuries now, he was going to become emotional. Well only for her. Just her. 

He runs his fingers through her hair as he kisses her temple a couple of times. He could feel his neck becoming wet and her back slightly moving up and down. She was slightly crying as her mind got cloudy with too many thoughts. 

He held her more close to him and he mumbles little things into her ear. He would kiss her ear at times and everytime he did she would hug him tightly. 

As much as Hades wanted to be selfish he wasn't going to let her stay here when she could have it way better than he does over there. He knows soon she would have to go back to her friends, so he cups her cheek and slowly pulls her face from his neck. He whips her tears away and kisses her nose, making her slightly giggle and blush. 

He smiles as he hears the slight giggles, he knows what he is going to say next won't help him, "you need to go back soon" he said to her and she slouches down. Her lips went to a frown and slightly quivers, "but I don't want to" she mumbles out to him. "I want to stay with you. I've been looking for you for the longest time now" she adds. 

Hades frowns and sighs, "you're not staying here. You're going back. I'm not letting you stay here and rot with me" he said a bit sternly. He didn't mean to make it sound that stern, it just did. 

She shakes her head, "no" 

He tightens his grip a bit on her cheeks and she stops moving, "you're not staying here. You're going back" he said again. 

He let's go of her face and wraps his arms around her and picks her up. She wraps her legs and arms around him tightly, "where are you taking me?" She asks him. 

"To the others," he said. 

She shakes her head, she unwraps her legs and arm from him and gets out of his grasp, she pushes him back fast and hard to where he stumbles and sits back down his chair with a puzzled face expression. His mouth was gaped open as his eyes were slightly wide in surprise. 

She stumbles over to him and gets onto his lap, legs on both sides of him as her arms rest on his shoulders. She looked down at him with hurt and sadness written all over her face, "no. I don't want to go back soon" she mumbles out. "We have time," she adds. 

"Plus if they look for me they wont think about looking here. Why would I be here?" She said to him.

She moves and grabs his hands and places them onto her hips. She places her hands on the lap of his neck and she gives him a sad smile. 

"Can I ask for one thing before I go?" She asks him. 

She fiddles with the ends of his hair as she looks into his eyes with innocent ones. 

"What's that love?" He asks her. He tightens  his grip on her. 

"Can you please fuck me?"

I hope you like it. 
I'm sorry if it’s short. 
Sorry for any bad grammar or spelling errors.

You may request any characters below, if there's a character that's not on the list that probably means that I don't write for them. You may ask and see if I accidentally forgot someone but the possibility that you ask for a character that's not on the list and I do them is probably slim. (I'm sorry if that sounds rude it's not my intention) 

This is what I write for. 
Hades, Ben, Harry, Mal and Evie

My requests are always open. You may request whenever you want and how many you want. I will try my best to get every single one written for you. There is a possibility that I will deny some requests for characters that I have on the list (or not on the list) because of the requests itself. If the requests make me uncomfortable or I can't see myself being able to write it I can deny it. Please understand that I can deny requests if I want to. (Please don't take it the wrong way)

Again you may request requests anytime. 
I don't judge. 
BUT PLEASE I only write for Female readers or OC, not Male readers or OC.
I write x readers. GirlxGirl, MenxGirl.  
Again I DON'T write for Male x readers or oc.

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