Hades x OC One shot

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Hades x oc 

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Name: Raven

Age: 25

Hair: White

Eye: grey 

Soulmark-soulate: Hades and it is a blue flower on their wrists 

Ben and Mal are 18 

Third person POV. 

Hades hates feeling this way, hating this feeling in his chest and stomach telling him that he is jealous. He hates being jealous, to him it's embarrassing to expect and say it out loud… especially when you're jealous over nothing. He of course knows that he shouldn’t feel jealous over Harry Hook and other guys at this stupid bbq, since she has told him mutiple times that she doesnt want any one else but him and she had showed him that she only wants him… and she had showed him well. 

He kept his eyes on any guys that got too close to her, especially Harry Hook. Gosh that kid always flirts with his girl… she’s his fucking teacher for fucking sakes, he's only eighteen years old too… and that causes Harry problems but for Hades too. He still can't really go over there and punch him… gosh he wished he could. 

He didn't mind going out to a bbq with his wife even though he thought it was stupid and where there is a lot of annoying ignorant people, he didnt mind that he had to be nice through the whole time, he really didnt mind how his wife had left him alone for at least an hour and still going on to talk to his daughter and friends, she is their teacher after all, he didnt care that there were different kind of eyes on him showing a lot of different emotions. 

Hate, disgust, confusion and then there was lust... just lust, no love or admiration. The people that stared at him with lust written on their eyes didn't care for him, they just thought about what he could do in the bedroom. 

Hades didn’t care about this stupid bbq he got dragged to. He knew that at the end of this his wife and him would go to the bedroom they would be in for a few weeks and have their alone time and fun with each other. They ended up stuck at his daughters and son-in-laws house-castel. 

BUT! What he cared about the most was when he saw all the men and women drooling over her. Their imagination basically took her clothes off and more. He knew what they were thinking about and it was pissing him off and... making him jealous even more than when he got here. 

Hades was just standing there watching her, she was laughing along with his daughter and he smiled at that. He was glad to know that his wife aka his soulmate and daughter got along, he didn't know what he would do if they didn't... he didn't even want to think about it. 

His smile though was gone shortly after it. The guy was a bold one he joined into the conversation that his wife and daughter were having together and started talking to them. He was too close to his soulmate to his liking. 

The guy seemed fine at first. He made his girl and daughter laugh and smile, but after talking a bit more he could see his girl blush even more and that pissed him off. He didn't like how his girl was blushing because of someone else. 

But that's not what got him, through talking he got even more closer to his girl and would lightly touch her body. Raven didnt like it when he touched her so every time he did she would move away from him but he didn't get the memo that she didn't like it. The last straw for Hades was when the guy wrapped his arm around her and rubbed her ass. 

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