Hades x Zaia OC Part 4

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This one shot is one of my old ones. 

Hades x Zaia OC Part 4 

About her. 

Name: Zaia
Age: 18
Hair: blues 
Eyes: light blue eyes
Weight: 117.17 pounds 
Heights: 5 feet
Soulmark: a blue flame 

Younger twin of Evie. 
Mother: Evil Queen 



“Can you please fuck me?” 


Third person pov.

Hades was taken back by his soulmate's boldness. It had shocked him but also turned him on even more than he already was. It was hot. He never expected that his soulmate would be that bold but look so innocent doing so. He licks his lips and smirks when her face goes even redder than before. She covers her face with her hands.  

She had watched his tongue run over his lips and that just made her even more bothered and not innocently thinking in her head. Her cheeks went even hotter than before, she was too embarrassed of herself. She was taken back by herself too, didn't expect she had it in her to say and do that to him. But she also did like it too, it gave a bit of power to her. 

Hades smirks at her innocents again. He lets go of her hips and tugs her hands away from her embarrassed face so he can see her beautiful face again, “Did I just hear you correctly?” He teases her.  

She bites her lip and nods her head, “Yeah. That's what I said” she whispers out. He chuckles at her innocence again and nods his head, “So can you?” she asks, tilting her head to the side and gripping tighter on his shoulders. 

Hades just laughs and nods his head, without saying anything else Hades replaces his hands onto her hips again and picks her up. She quickly wraps her legs and arms around his body and digs her face in his neck. If she was a cat right now she would be purring into him. It felt so nice to be in his arms and she couldn't stop herself from feeling happy just being with him, she never wanted to go back if it meant this. To feel like this all the time has been her dream since she found out she had a soulmate.

He wraps his arms around her and walks towards his bedroom to fulfil the one thing she wants before she leaves him. 

Zaia smiles as she realizes that she is getting what she wants, he was going to fuck her before she has to leave him. She pulls her face from his neck and looks down to him with a big smile on her face, “Thank you” she mumbles out. His eyes move away from the hallway to her and sees that she was smiling at him causing him to smile back at her. “Why are you saying thank you my Queen?” he asks her.

She shrugs her shoulders blushing and continues to stare into his beautiful eyes that she keeps getting lost in, how could she not? They're so beautiful. She inhales and before she knows what she's doing her right hand grasps his chin and smashes her lips onto his. She closes her eyes and smiles into it. Hades stops walking and tightens his grip around her and kisses her back. 

She groans into the kiss and runs her fingers through his hair and scratches his scalp making him moan into the kiss. The slight make-out in his hallway was only short because he pulled back, kissed her cheek once more before continuing his way towards his bedroom. She kisses his cheek and then trails sloppy soft kisses down towards his neck and when she did get there she didn't stop kissing, sucking and biting until she felt her back hit a mattress. Her arms flop beside her and she opens her eyes.

She pushes up on her elbows and looks around herself. The room was small and bland but she liked it. It's so cute. Her eyes land back onto him and smiles even bigger. 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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