Hades x Plus Size

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Hades x Plus Sized OC. 

Request by superdopeygirl03 

Oc: Rosa

Rose POV. 

"Ok come on let's go!" Hades said walking into my room as I read a book. I look up from my book and look at him with a raised eyebrow, "What?" 

"I'm taking you to the mall. I need something and I want to get you an outfit" he said. 

My heart sped up as I thought about having to go to the mall. I hate going to the mall, for more reasons than one. 

1. I hate having to take my clothes off and then put new clothes on to have to retake the clothes off and put others or my clothes that I came in with. 

2. So many people are going to be there

3. I'm a plus sized person and most of the clothes I like don't have my size.

4. Some people stare 


5. I'm insecure about my body. 

Even though Hades knows about my insecurities and he tells me every day that he likes my body and prefers me over anyone else. I can't stop myself from feeling like this. I have been a bigger girl since I was younger. I'm 185 pounds. I have a thyroid problem. There are times where I can lose weight but I end up gaining it right back and Hades knows that. He loves me.... I think. 

"Come on" he walks over and grabs the book from my hands and throws it over his head and grabs my hands and pulls me off the bed somehow. 

"Do I really need to come?" I ask. 

Third person POV. 

Hades sighs and shakes his head, he leans down and kisses her forehead, "Yes, you do have to come. It won't be long" his voice soft as he looks into her eyes. 

He really hates when his girl thinks so poorly of herself. He loves her curves, he likes placing his head onto her stomach and falling asleep or plastering kisses all over her bare stomach and things. He doesn't care about how big she was, he cares about her because of her being her. 

Hades loves her wit, he loves how sassy, funny, happy, silly she could be but hates when she becomes sad, depressed, insecure because of her weight. He is always there for her. When she wants to get up early for a morning run he will be ready with her. Not caring if she was running ahead of him as he was slowing down out of breath. 

Hades is always ready to stand up for his girl whenever someone makes fun of her. 


"Fine, fine only because you asked so nicely" she points her finger at him and smiles. She couldn't deny him, "I need to change," she said. She pulls away from him. 

Time skip.

"I should have put on gloves too. It's so cold" she shivers as they walk outside. 

Hades chuckles, he goes and grabs her hands. Rose smiles as he kisses them. "Your such a softy" 

"Only for you my Queen," he replies back fast. He wore his famous smirk as she blushes at his nickname for her. She stuck her tongue out at him and shook his head. He adores her. 

Another time skip. 

Rose and Hades walked into the mall holding hands, "So where do we have to go first? What did you need to get?" She asks. 

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