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" NO WAY" you retorted
" You can't do that to me. This is mine"
You shouted
" But you're getting married. This room will be spoiled if it's not in use."
" I don't care. This room is mine. "
" You're getting married y/n"
" But this is mine. You can't give it to her. GET HER MARRIED!"
Your mom took a deep sigh.
You rolled over your bed complaining about your little sister.
About how she pranks you, makes you get scolded from your mom even if the fault is on her side and now as you're getting married, she will be having your room from now on . And you hated this idea.
Your mom left the room irritated by your whining. You still rolled over on your bed complaining about how you're getting married and that to an arranged marriage . He is totally an alien to you.
He never talked to you.
You felt an unknown cold vibe from his grey emotionless eyes. Something was odd about him.

At that time,you couldn't believe that you're getting married and that too within a week. And this was the last day in your home. Yes, tomorrow you're getting married to him.
Kai Hiwatari.
A 22 year old charismatic russian male, a retired beyblader and the CEO of the Russian military company, the Hiwatari enterprises.
That's all you know about him.

Anyways you agreed for the proposal due to the constant pressure on you from your parents.  You weren't really angry at this because someday you have to get married and you knew your parents only do things for your good. And he had made all the arrangements so that you can continue your studies there.

You were sitting on your bed with your knees tugged up on your chest admiring the tidy looking white wedding gown. You laid back on your bed gazing at the white ceiling which unlike the gown, had a lot more small dark spots. Just as you were laying staring on the ceiling ,a bag came flying in hitting on your face. You got up to see your sister Linda grinning at you. You were conquered by anger and you chased her all around house.
Your mom entered the scene and started to scold you. You stood there not paying attention to any of her scoldings.
After a while , you all gathered at the table for dinner. Your last dinner with your family. Maybe you could visit them after your marriage but it won't be the same. Within hours you're going to be a part of a new family.
You won't be just a daughter.
Your shoulders will be more heavier than before with the upcoming responsibilities.
You enjoyed each second at the dinner table. Your mother's scoldings on table manners, your sister's laughs and your dad cracking funny jokes.
You sure will miss them a lot.

Next day

" Y/n make it quick. The guests are already here" said your mother as she barged in to your room and saw you struggling with the gown.
" I'm trying" you said adjusting your gown.
Your mom came in and cupped your face.
" You have grown so much" your mom said with tears in her eyes.
You smiled and kissed her forehead.

You finally headed to the aisle with your father.
Your eyes wandered through the crowd checking the guests until they stopped on Kai. He was dressed in a black tuxedo and you do have to admit that he is so damn handsome in that suit.
Your father took the boquet from you as you stood near Kai. You glanced at Kai. His face showed neither happiness nor sadness. His face was emotionless.
You both took your marriage vows, exchanged the rings and then you were asked to kiss.

Kai gave a small peck on your cheek.
The crowd broke into applause.
Soon you and Kai got in the car. You waved goodbye to your parents.
You gazed out of the window until you reached a humungous mansion. You got out and followed the tracks of Kai.
You admired each and every corner of the mansion until you bumped into Kai.
He turned around and scanned your face for any kind of sarcasm. When he found there wasn't any, he continued to walk upstairs.
You followed him until you reached your shared bedroom.
Without even sparing a glance at you,
Kai took his towel and went to the shower. You sighed.
You were really exhausted so you decided to get some sleep. After a while, you heard the shower door open.
You laid on the bed facing your back at him. You felt his presence near you.
A blush crept under your cheeks. You closed your eyes tightly avoiding the feeling.

A/N:I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Tell me how was it in the comments.

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