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You  can't suppress your emotions anymore. You cried on to your pillow. Just then the door  opened revealing Kai. His eyes widened slightly when he saw you crying.
Your eyes were all red and puffed.

"Why are you crying?" He asked in a concerned voice.

"It's nothing Kai" you lied not wanting to bother him with your problems.

He came closer to you slowly rising your chin with his thump.

"Tell me"

You looked into your eyes. You hated to see people looking at you with pity but what you saw in the eyes of Kai was something different.
His eyes were full of kindness deprived of his usual coldness. Somewhere you had a feeling that you can tell him everything.

"K-Kai.." with that you balled your eyes into his shirt not being able tolerate anymore pain. Kai didn't seemed to mind this gesture. Instead he slowly wrapped his arms around you rubbing your back . After a while, you calmed down. Kai made you sit on the bed and gave you a glass of water.

You took a deep breath.

"K-Kai. I...it's all my f-fault. I'm the reason why my brother is not alive anymore"

Kai placed a reassuring hand over yours. You looked at his deep grey eyes and continued

"You see... My father was very abusive and....."

You closed your eyes.


"I'm sorry dad I'm sorry. Please I promise I won't fail again"

"I have heard enough. This time you will be punished"

With that the evil man started to beat you with his belt until fresh bruises appeared on your back followed by blood oozing out from the wounds.
You clutched your eyes tight as you saw your mother in the corner of the room looking at you helplessly.
Your screams of agony echoed the room.
Finally after the torture your dad left after locking the door from outside.

"Don't give anything to her for a week. Not even a drop of water. Did you understand?!"

Your mother just nodded at your father. Her eyes filled with fear.
For a week you were caged inside your room starving. The only liquid you had to drink to keep you alive was your own saliva. You felt powerless. You threw your blade to the wall and cried on.
Your dad Takashi Tanaka wasn't an ideal father you could have asked for.
He treated you like his slave.
Even your mother abandoned you and never tried to fight against him because of her fear.
You and your family were really poor.
Beyblading was something you always kept to your heart. You sneaked out without your father's permission to Beyblade with other kids because your father hated you playing Beyblade. You often got beaten up by your father for this but still you played disobeying him. You continued to Beyblade until you won the National beyblading championships. You were considered as one of the powerful and skilled beyblader. Once, a grey haired man showed up on your door,
Voltaire Hiwatari . One of the powerful criminals in the world. He offered your father something which he always wanted. Money. Lots and lots of money.
He seemed like he was feeling pity on your family but little did you knew that he was making ready his puppets for his atrocious play.
Voltaire offered your family financial help but only at one condition.
Only if you agreed to sell yourself for his play. That is only if you joins the biovolt. You had no other choice than going with him because of your father.
But you failed to pass the test to get the training qualification in the abbey and was eventually send back after your memories about the abbey was erased from your brain but overtime you somehow managed to remember everything back.

After a year, your little brother Archie was born. It was the most happiest day of your life.

"I promise you I'll protect you from everything my little brother"

When Archie turned 7, he was forced to join the abbey. By the time, your father become an avaricious evil man who was willing to give anything for wealth and power.

"Dad please please leave Archie alone.
He can't take it anymore" you pleaded hugging on your father's feet as he was beating your brother ruthlessly just because he lost a single match.

"Weaklings do not deserve to live. You and your brother are weak. Your failures proves that you're weak.
You're a disgrace for me y/n. You failed to get qualified in the abbey.
I don't want Archie to have the same fate as you.I don't accept failure y/n. Your father will become such a wealthy and powerful man in the whole world if you both dedicate your entire life for Voltaire. Can't you just fulfill a small wish of your father"

Your father eyed you devilishly with an evil grin. You felt his grip on your hair tighten as you let a gasp in pain.
He pushed you down and your head hit the hard cold floor.
You saw Archie training in the abbey training centre. After you failed to get qualified , your Beyblade was given to Archie.

"Arctic dranzer ice beam!" He commanded. You could see how exhausted he was but you had no choice other than looking at him helplessly. You tried to stop your father which eventually resulted in him getting furious at you and he beat you up. He started to sweat and pant.
He collapsed on the floor. Your father pushed you down as you again protested.

"Dad please it's insanity. He is exhausted let him rest for a while please. " You pleaded but your father ignored this and pushed you down and restrained you.

He forced him to practice again until he wins. After an hour of severe training, Arctic dranzer screamed in  pain. You sensed something was wrong. You saw Archie bleeding inside out.

"I'm a failure. I'm a d-disgrace. I'm sorry it's all my f-fault" said Archie before he collapsed onto the floor.
You freed yourself somehow and ran to your brother. Tossing his lifeless body on your lap you called him several times but there was no response. Your eyes widened.
Tears rolled down your cheeks. Your painful shriek filled the entire hall.

"Please forgive me Archie it's all my fault. I failed to protect you"

(Later you were adopted by the I /n family)

End of flashback

Now you were a crying mess. You wrapped your arms around Kai and cried on. He tugged you on to him more closely.

" What happened  isn't your fault y/n" he tried his best to be comforting

"B-But..." He placed his hand over your mouth. You both remained in the embrace without saying anything anymore to each other.

Kai tucked you into the bed after you fell asleep on him while looking into your tear stained eyes.
He felt hurt. He felt hurt when he saw you crying. He don't know why.

Sorry for keeping you guys waiting.
I wasn't getting any ideas.
Tell me how  it was in the comments
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