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Y/n pov

I entered the hall yawning while my hands wiped away the tears resulted from it.

"Good morning" as always he just nodded in reply. But something was different this time. He was silent. I mean yes he is often silent but this one was different. When I got close to him he looked away. I saw pinkish dust appearing on his cheeks which immediately disappeared the moment I stepped away from him.

What's wrong with him? I thought as I went to prepare breakfast. While on the table, he avoided eye contact with me and whenever our eyes met he quickly looks away.
I can't understand. Why is he acting like this?

"Umm Hiwatari"
"Hn" he looked at me and then looked away with a tomato face.
"Are you feeling okay? Your face is all red" I asked concerned
He got a bit surprised and then said
"I-I'm fine" he said still avoiding my gaze. Why is he ignoring me like this?
I mean yes he do ignores me but not like this. There was something he was hiding. His eyes told it all.

Kai's pov

What is happening with me?
I can't understand why the hell am I blushing whenever she is closer to me. After the last night, I can't even make myself to look in her eyes because as soon as I did my face turns bright red followed by a tingling sensation in my stomach.

It wasn't even a big deal. She just kissed me that's all. All wives do it.
What's wrong with it?

I tried to convince myself.

Yes it was just only one kiss but it contained an emotion which is so foreign to you. A small feeling but with a lot of meanings
You liked it when she kissed you. Her soft and warm lips pressing over yours. That feeling was so good. My mind said.

Shut up! I yelled in my mind.

"Kai you ok?" I heard y/n

"Yeah I'm fine I was just thinking about something" I replied.

She tilted her head and looked back to her plate.

At the workplace

"Arghh" I yelled in frustration when I messed up a file again. I was so distracted by the thoughts of her.

"Mr. Hiwatari I guess you should take some rest" my P.A suggested

"Stay out of my business John" I snapped at him. He let out a sigh and left the cabin.
My mind was out of my control and continued to remind me of all those memories I spent with her.
I tried to convince myself that this feelings are stupid and waste of time but my mind was too busy with her thoughts to hear me.

Night came around  I felt a movement and y/n started to lean in and then closed the gap between us. This time I enjoyed it more. I felt her soft lips and each second of it felt like an eternity to me. I just didn't wanted her to stop.
I felt hairs poking up and tingling in my stomach. After she parted and went back to sleep, I slowly touched my now kissed lips and couldn't help but to cherish the feeling.
Every night I stayed awake just to feel her lips over mine.

A few days later

"Hiwatari" I blushes as soon as I heard that voice. I turns to her suppressing my emotions.

"Are you free today afternoon?" She asked.

"Yeah" I replied.

"Well...there is this dance party tonight... I... thought...if....you...like to... dance...with... me."

Yes yes I would love to dance with you.

"I'm not really interested  in such dull stuff" I replied facing her 'now really disappointed and sad face'.

"Ohh.... okay" she left the room with a gloomy face

"Look what you have done. You just let a romantic moment slip out from your hands" my mind stated furiously

"I don't care" I replied

"You don't? Now she will have this romantic dance moment with some other guy. And I don't like this because she is mine" my mind shouted

"Why do I care? I don't love her"

"You do!!" My mind sneered

"I said I don't!" I said to myself

"Yes you do... You loves her. You likes it when she cares about you. You likes it when she gets annoyed because you.
That's why you pisses her off so that she will pay more attention to you.
You likes it when she cooks for you to make you happy when she takes care of you ,the way she blushes when she sees you. You hate it when some other guy looks at her. You liked it when she kissed you. Admit it, you love her." My mind yelled at me.

"Just shut up. Leave me alone."

"You can't run from your feelings always Kai. Sometimes you too have to feel them"

"Arghh" I gritted my teeth in anger.
I just can't understand what's happening with me.

"I don't love her. I don't" I repeated to myself.

It was afternoon already and y/n was getting ready for the dance party.
I was getting furious each time when the thought of her dancing with some other guy crossed my mind.
I wanted to be the one with her.
My mind was all messed up.
My thoughts were interrupted when I heard footsteps approaching. I turned to see y/n looking stunningly beautiful . For the first time I noticed her. Her h/c curly locks falling on to her shoulder and her e/c orbs which seemed to have some kind of sparkle in them. Her red lips and the crimson red dress fitted her perfectly revealing her perfect curves. My eyes were fixed on her as I was so dazed by her until...

"Kai?" She called out waving her hands over my face. I got out of trance and the moment I saw her my cheeks flushed up.

" I'm leaving for the party. Well I have kept the dinner ready you just need to warm it up before having it. And yeah take care" she said giving me a cheerful smile. She then proceeds to walk away. Something in me wanted to stop her and so I did. I turned her around by her wrist. She looked confused at my gesture. I looked away.

"What is it Kai?"

"I'll come with you too" I said half expecting her to laugh out loud but she looked too confused to laugh.

"But you said you...." I cut her off in the middle

"I changed my mind" I stated. The fact of her dancing with some other guy was hard for me to digest.

I wanted her to be with me. Because she is mine.


A/N: I really apologize to my fellow readers and I appreciate your patience. You guys deserve an Oscar for this.
I know I have taken a long time to update. It's just my exams are going on and I was really busy with them. Hope you guys liked the chapter. If you did don't forget to upvote because it really motivates me to go on. 🥺🥺🥺

So click on that sad star⭐and make it happy ✨🌟✨

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