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[A/N: italicized parts is Kai's part and the bolded part is his mind]

I want to be the one with her because she is mine. My y/n.
WAIT? Did I just called her mine?!
What the hell is wrong with me?

The only thing that is wrong with you is that you are not accepting the fact that you like her.


Then why did you change your mind all of a sudden. You are jealous. You don't like to see her with some other guy.

It's not something like that. It's too late and I don't want her to get into any trouble. I can't let her go alone it's getting really dark outside.
I don't like her but she is my wife and she is my responsibility. It's my duty to protect her.

Protection? Well that's something new and it's so strange to hear something like that from the ice king.


"Kai?" She said snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Let's go"I said without meeting her gaze. We headed to the station since
y/n wanted to take public transport for once after our marriage. I never allowed her to travel by public transport since I wanted to ensure her safety. These days roaming around is too dangerous for a woman especially at late night. I can't afford to get her hurt. I urged her to take the limo but this time I failed to win over her puppy eyes attack.

As soon as we entered the hall, I saw fairy lights illuminating the hall. I saw couples dancing on the dance floor.
While staring at the dance floor,
I started to visualise me and y/n dancing together but then I quickly shook my head. Y/n came to me , grabbed me by the hand to the dance floor.

"Y/n look I really don't know how to dance" She looked at me and slowly placed my hands over her waist. Then placed her one hand over my shoulder and the other interwined with mine.

"No worries Kai. Just follow me" she said when she stepped more close to me. The music started to play while I was melted into her gaze. I followed her steps carefully. Gently swaying her round and lifting her up. Our bodies brushed slightly when I put her down.
I knew I was staring at her  but I didn't care because I was so mesmerized by her. We danced until the music stopped. We stared into each other's eyes until we heard...

"Hey y/n! It had been a long time. Do you even have any idea how much I missed you girl?!" A boy of her age ran to her and he hugged her. I was shocked. I felt somekind of restlessness in my body. I felt my blood boil the moment his hands touched her.

"I missed you too Ethan. How are you?" She said returning the hug.

So his name is Ethan. But who is he to her?

They both chatted the usual things that two people says to each other after seeing each other after a long time.
Like"it's so good to see you etc etc"  They chatted again and y/n started to laugh when he cracked a joke in the middle
Yep I really don't like him.

She turned to me.

"Well Ethan meet Kai Hiwatari,my husband"she said gesturing her hands towards  me.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Kai" he was a bit shocked and returned a confused look to y/n while politely extending his hand but he just got ignored by me but when I faced y/n's frowned face I reluctantly shook his hand only to recieve a cute smile from her which indeed made my face red again.
She obviously was confused at my reaction.

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