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Kai's pov

"You ok now?" asked Kai in concern as he saw you coming down the stairs.
You lowered your gaze and forced a  smile then nodded at him.
He smiled in return even though he could see the pain behind your smile.
You were surprised when you saw the pancakes ready at the table. You turned to Kai whose face was a bit red.

"Did you-"

"Yeah. I-I made them" he said ruffling his hair slightly. You just smiled at him gratefully. You mouthed a thank you at which he nodded. You both sat down at the table having your breakfast.

"Well are you busy today?" He asked without making eye contact with you

"No Kai. Why?"

"W-would you like to go to the amusement park today?" His eyes filled with concern for you.
He wanted to distract you from yesterday and to make your mood better.

Your mouth dropped.

"Idiot I'm asking to you" he said snapping you back to reality when he got no response from you.

"Yeah yeah sure" you shook your head vigourosly still surprised about him asking you out.

"Very well then. Get ready"

You opened your closet taking out a white crop top and a pink mini skirt.
You put your hair up into a bun and wore heels.
You saw Kai downstairs. He was wearing a white shirt with  one button open and black jeans.

Hot!  You thought as your cheeks flushed.

"Are you gonna say anything?"  He asked with a smirk when he saw you staring at him

"You look hot" you covered your mouth as you realised what you just said.

"I-I mean it's hot in here"  he smirked at you. You both got in the car.
You headed to the amusement park.
It was crowded and you both struggled to get through them.
Kai pushed you towards him and then interwined his hands with yours.

"Stay by my side. It's getting more crowded. "

You blushed then turned your attention to the rides nearby.

"Which one do you want first?" He asked pointing at several rides.
You pointed at the roller coaster.

"I guess it's a wrong choice. Let's take  any other  ride"

"No I want roller coaster" you whined looking at him with puppy eyes.

"Fine but don't cry. I had already warned you" Kai let out a sigh

"AHHH!!" you screamed when the roller coaster speeded up more and more.

"SHUT UP YOU IDIOT!" yelled Kai while plugging his ears with his hands  as your screams where too much for him to bear.

"KAI!!! I'M SCARED!" You kept crying like a child hugging onto his hand tightly


The ride ended. Kai carried you on his back since you got unconscious after having such a terrible experience.
After a while, you woke up only to see Kai carrying you on his back. You blushed.

You both sat down on the bench near looking at the evening sky.
Kai brought you some apple juice from the stall nearby.



"Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah go on"

"W-why do you push people away?"

"WHAT?" Kai asked taken aback by the question.

"I mean why are you so cold towards people is it because of your past?"

"Who told you about it?" demanded Kai

"Tell me Kai...is it?"

Kai looked at you and then lowered his eyes.

"I don't know y/n but I never hate people. You see when I was younger my parents abandoned me with my grandfather Voltaire who used  me as a weapon for his mission.
At the tender age, I wasn't able to understand it. I was so hungry for power. I wanted to make beyblading disappear from the world. The scars offered by the abbey was nothing compared to the emotional pain I received from there..." Kai sighed.

"It's ok Kai. I know after all that you had gone through...it's difficult for you to explain. I'm sorry. I didn't meant  to hurt you.  I promise whenever you need me I'll be always there for you Kai" you placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. Kai gave a small smile .  You both watched as the sun goes down the horizon.

Time skip

Kai's pov

I felt a movement near me. I opened my eyes slightly just to see what's going on.
I saw y/n waking up and then hovering above me which completely surprised me.
I saw her slowly closing the gap between us as she placed a kiss on my lips. My heart throbbed rapidly.
I can't believe what I was witnessing.
I felt my hairs springing up and butterflies in my stomach. Then she pulled away slowly submitting her body weight on my body hugging me tightly. My whole body heated up.

I never thought y/n would have such strong feelings for me.
Even after avoiding her, being cold towards her and I know I have hurted her a lot by it but I never really knew how to keep a relationship. I don't know how to love someone. I don't even know what love means...
It feels so foreign to me.

Do I love her? I don't know...


I'm sorry for keeping you guys waiting. And I know it's a short chapter. Sorry for that too.
If you liked the chapter please


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