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"Mom Dad is it necessary for you guys to go? You could have stayed a bit longer you know" you said frowning slightly.

"I know Y/n but your sister is alone at home and you know how naughty she is" her mom replied. You pouted at this.

"Bye y/n and Kai. See you again" waved y/n's father. Kai nodded.

"Bye y/n and the next time I hope I could meet my grandchildren too" This caused Y/n and Kai blush as they knew what exactly she meant.

"Mom!" You grunted. Your mom just giggled. They headed out.

"Bye mom dad"

"Take care Y/n"

As the sound of the car fainted,Kai pulled you by the waist and whispered

"Your mom is right. Why don't we get in to work already?" He smirked. Your eyes widened simultaneously with a tint of blush on your face. You fisted his chest lightly and replied

"You're so shameless!" saying this you walked back with your nose up while Kai chuckled.

It was a stormy night. You could hear the loud thunders hitting the earth occasionally. The sound of the raindrops falling onto the window. The wind blowing almost sounding like a whistle. However all these sounds failed miserably to attain your attention as your focus was completely gained by Kai's heartbeats. You were caged in his grip as his fingers wandered through your hair while you laid there on his bare muscular chest. Sometimes you wondered how you both ended up like this. It was hard to believe that the one person whom you hated so much is the one who owns your soul now. It's surprising how you both changed. Especially him. You tightened your grip around him, making an effort to get more warmth from his body. The warmth of the blanket was quite feeble for you. He pulled you more closer as a response. You gazed up at him, while he was laying calm and quiet. You rested your head back again on his chest.

You both are entirely different from each other maybe that's what made you both to fall in love with each other...as they say Opposites attract...
Or maybe because you both were heartbroken and somehow those broken pieces fit together perfectly...

You slowly turned your gaze at his chest...the scars of those tortures still reigning on his chest. You ran your fingers on them. Kai gazed at you surprised at your action. You gazed up at him. You crawled towards him and kissed his forehead while his lips curled into smile. You got up and took his hand in yours and kissed it. You carefully observed those scars as your face filled with anger. His smile faded slightly and was replaced by confusion.

"If I got a chance I promise I'll kill that Purple head!!" Kai chuckled at this.

"Well you can't kill the dead can you?" Asked Kai. You pouted sadly. After a moment of silence you spoke

"I could never even imagine myself to be in your shoe....I'm really sorry for what you've gone through Kai but I promise to be your comfort in all pain and sadness... " He smiled at you resting his hands on your cheek .


"All the best Ethan" Kai smiled at him
This is his new beginning. He looked down with his eyes gleaming guilt.
Kai patted his shoulder.

"Even if what you did cannot be forgiven, I forgive you. What the past is the past and we can't change it. I'm giving you a second chance."

"I-I" his voice broke.
"I'm sorry....I'm so sorry" a tear streamed down his eyes. Kai didn't said anything instead he just pulled him into a comforting hug.
Ethan calmed down a bit.

"She's really lucky to have you...You deserve her more than I do." he said. Kai smiled.

As you watched them both you felt a lump in your throat. You went to Ethan as well and said

"All the best Ethan. Happy married Life." You smiled at him. He just nodded sadly. You looked at Kai as he placed his hand over your shoulder.

"I forgive you Ethan. Please stay happy" you said finally. He gave a weak smile.
Both of you watched as he walked back to his bride,his life partner holding her hand in his. Finally he found the one for him. The true one.

The party was grant. Everyone was dancing and celebrating. The crowd got bigger and some drunk men passed you trying to flirt with you. You have to hold Kai back as he glared them angrily pulling you protectively behind him. You loved his possessive behaviour for you. You love him.

You both bided goodbye to the newly married couple and headed out.

"I'm so glad everything's fine now. I hope he leads a good life.." you said

A cold wind rushed past you as you shivered slightly. Kai placed his coat over your shoulder.

"You'll catch a cold" he said as he gently to took your hands in his. You smiled. You both walked down the lane enjoying the quiet night.


A/N: *sighs* Hey guys. I know you guys are mad at me for updating so late. I want to inform you guys that I won't be much active in wattpad since I need to fix some things. The updates will be slower but don't worry I'll update it as soon as I possibly can. And yeah one more thing if you guys want to give me some ideas you are free to do so,like if you would like to share some cute moments you can tell me. I would really appreciate it.

Have a great day 😊😊

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