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Then I heard someone at the door....

I gritted my teeth when I realised who it was when I heard y/n chiming in.

"Ethan!" I got to the door only to see
y/n and Ethan in a huge hug. As I was observing them in anger, I saw Ethan looking at me through her shoulder.
And then...he gave me an evil smirk!
I felt my blood boil and I clenched my fist.
They moved to the living room. I sat in the office room observing both of them. Y/n seems to be having a good time with Ethan. She seems so happy with him. Her giggles echoing in the hall. I felt disappointed at myself .
I felt disappointed when I found that the reason behind her smile is someone else and it's not me. I want to make her happy. I want her to be with me but maybe I messed up everything by making her upset.
My eyes moved back to Ethan when
y/n left for to her room to get ready.

"Shall we go?" She asked to Ethan
"Yeah let's go" he said following y/n before looking at me with a smirk.
I clenched my jaws.

Few days later
Kai's pov

I was at the cafe. It was raining outside and a coffee is a perfect choice for it. Most of the people in the cafe entered the cafe to be sheltered from rain. Then I saw a familiar face in the crowd. A hated one. Ethan.
He noticed me and...evily smirked at me!
He slowly walked towards me.

"How is everything going Mr. Hiwatari?" I know he asked it purposefully. He knows that y/n is upset with me. I didn't replied. His evil smirk widened.

"Well y/n and I were hanging out yesterday. How is she doing?" he asked smirking.

"You have no right to meddle in other's lives" I snapped at him my voice lining pure hatred. He just smirked it away and continued.

"Well your wife is a pretty thing to adore isn't she? Shall I tell you a little secret? I adore y/n too" He smirked again. I clenched my fist and gritted my teeth. How dare he talk about my y/n like that. Before he could utter anything, I stomped on to him and kept on punching him while he kept on laughing maniacally which made me more provoked. I kept on punching until his face was a mess. He suddenly threw me down and started to attack me. He punched me on my face and chest. After a while, I got the upper hand over him and kept on attacking him. The people in the restaurant were watching the whole scene but I don't care. I'm going to kill him but before I could do that some people came and pulled me back from there withdrawing from the fight.

I got home soon. His words kept on rewinding in my head. Now I understand why he always spend so much time with her so that he could make her away from me and to be much closer to him.

Argh. I gritted my teeth. I threw the flower vase which was on the table top to the wall. The sound of shattering echoed.
I clutched my head. I'll never let it happen.

Y/n's pov

I rang the doorbell continuously. No one is answering. Where is Kai?
I took the backdoor finally entering the mansion.
I got in and strangely the lights were out. I furrowed my eyebrows. I was worried.

"Kai?" I called out. The room was pitch dark. I searched for switch as my hands wandered through the wall.
I heard someone gasp like if he was in pain. I finally found the switch I turned it on and what I saw left me shocked.

"Kai!! What happened to you?!" I shouted at the scene I saw  when I saw him all injured.
His lips and nose were bleeding. He had a purple eye and his knuckles had blood on them. His shirt unbuttoned and wrinkled and sweat pouring down on his head. There were few cuts on his clothes and small blood stains. The room was a mess. The scattered glass pieces of the flower vase.
From all this I concluded that something really serious had happened. I ran to him. I felt tears on my eyes when I saw him like that. I decided to ask everything after cleaning his wounds. I took the first aid and went to him. I took antiseptic liquid then I'm immersed a piece of cotton. After removing extra liquid from the cotton I gently let it contact with his wound in his lips. He let out a small gasp in pain. I cleaned up the rest gently. After I was done, I gazed at him. His gaze was fixed on me from the moment I came and I too was doing the same. I lowered my gaze covering his wounds with bandages.
I stood up to leave when Kai turned me around to face him. He looked directly into my eyes this time. For a moment I forgot about everything. About the promise I made to myself. I took his hand in mine and gently caressed his bruised knuckles. I felt hurt when I saw his bruises but when I looked at him the next time I shivered slightly. His eyes were red in anger and neck veins propping up.

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