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The morning sunlight waving on the balcony along with the chirping of birds gave way to a peaceful morning. I was in my bed peacefully sleeping.

"Daddy" I lazily opened one eye only to see my son Gou standing with a bright smile on his face.

"Happy wedding anniversary!" He squealed.

"Thanks kiddo" I smiled at him and patted his head. I stood up and stretched my arms. I looked around looking for her but she wasn't here.

"Mommy's downstairs Daddy." He called me towards him and I kneed down to him. He then whispered in my ear.

"Mommy's preparing your anniversary gift" I smiled

"What are you giving to Mommy, Daddy?" He asked tilting his head cutely.

"You'll see." I patted his head. We both headed downstairs only to see her decorating the cake she had made for our anniversary. I quietly went to her and reached right behind her. Then I wrapped my arms around her waist which made her gasp. She turned around completely stunned and looked at both me and Gou.

"So are you preparing all these for me?"
"I thought you were asleep" I peeked at Gou who instantly hide behind me while she was busy glaring at him.
She pouted.

"Now why are you so disappointed" I asked with an amusing smile.

"My surprise is ruined" she pouted again and frowned.

"Well I have one more surprise with me" she said as she smiled at me cheerfully. She handed me a box which was wrapped with violet gift cloth. I opened it. It was my trademark white scarf. I smiled to myself.  It had a silver thread lining which made it more attractive.

"D-do you like it?" She asked nervously twirling her hair.

"I love it" I smiled at her gratefully.

"You do?" She asked surprised
"Yes" I picked her up and kissed her. She grinned until we heard someone say

"Eww" we turned to see Gou squeezing his nose in disgust. We laughed at this. I picked him up and kissed his cheek. She kissed him on his forehead. He started laughing and kissed each one of us on our cheek.

We all gathered at the table. Holding the knife above the cake  with her I asked

"Ready?" She gazed at me smiling
"Ready" We cut the cake while Gou was busy filming the event. His eyes glowing with excitement. He was the one who was  the most excited

"Daddy you haven't give Mommy's gift" he reminded me.

I gifted her a bouquet of fresh red  roses. It's scent filled the air. Y/n looked stunned as she couldn't believe her eyes.

"Wait...how did you...when did you went out?" She asked speechless

"That's why they call me the mysterious blader" I winked at her.

"I do have something more..." I said as I took out the  necklace and wore it around on her neck.

She was completely astonished by this.

"Ohh Kai..you don't had to spend so much on me..I-" she said with a bit of guilt in her voice

"You are the only thing that's priceless for me y/n. I want you to feel special because that's what you make me feel.
I don't want you to feel guilty. I love you Y/n" she smiled with tears and hugged me tight.

"I love you too Kai"

We looked into each other's eyes as we were about lean into a kiss again until we heard someone say

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