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Y/n was immediately rushed to the operation theatre. The doctors found out that there has been a complication and it needs to be removed as soon as possible else it would be life threatening for both of them.
The red light flashed infront of the operation theatre. The rain has stopped. The sunlight penetrating through the window and the water droplets dripped from the roof.
It was a beautiful day.
But Kai was too tensed to notice any of them. He paced back and forth on the hallway. His mind compelled him to think of all the worst possibilities. He tried to remain calm but his thoughts won't let him. The longer it took the more worrier he got. His face was pale with fright. He tried to remain positive but he can't.

The red light finally turned off after hours of waiting and the door opened as the nurse called Kai in. The nurse gave him a gentle smile which finally made him relieved.

"Congratulations Mr Hiwatari. It's a boy" his eyes glittered with happiness. He was delighted but then his thoughts drifted back to worse again.

"W-what about y/n? Is she ok?"

"Yes she is perfectly fine. She's just a bit exhausted that's all" the nurse assured. Kai made his way in as he saw y/n looking at him smiling weakly. He gazed at the baby in the cradle sleeping peacefully.

"He looks just like you" you said. Kai smiled as he sat down.

"He has got your eyes" he said slowly patting the baby's head gazing at the e/c orbs of the baby which held the same sparkle as your eyes did. After a few moments he gazed back at you.

"I love you y/n" he said

"I love y-" you were cut off as I Kai hugged you suddenly.

"I-I thought I would lose you" his voice cracked. You smiled as you hugged him back.
"I'm here Kai. Don't worry" He pecked on your cheeks. You looked at him lovingly and kissed his lips.

Then he carefully took the baby in his arms. He gazed at him lovingly.

"So what will be his name?" You asked eagerly.

"You go first" he said as he was unsure if you would like it or not.

"Kaiii you promised-" you stopped as he glared at you.

"Fine I'll go first" you said smiling
"I was thinking to name him as Haru Hiwatari which means sunshine.
I believe he'll bring happiness and prosperity to our family. I think it'll be perfect" you clasped your hands.
Kai was deep in thoughts. Haru was indeed a good name.

"Now it's your turn" you turned excitedly to Kai. He rubbed his neck not fixing his eyes on yours.

"Umm."he halted which made you more impatient
"How about Gou Hiwatari?" He asked Your eyes widened. You stood silent for a minute.

"It's ok if you don't like-"he started
"It's PERFECT!!" You exclaimed with joy. He was surprised.

"Gou means strong like a mountain. I think it's more suiting" you said in agreement. He smiled happily. He cradled the baby in his arms as you both leaned and said together

"Gou Hiwatari"


"Aww my grandchild is so cute!" Said your mom. Your parents have arrived as soon as they could. They've never left Gou's side after that.

"Looks like your diper is dirty. Let me change it" said your mother. She took the diaper packet.

"Let it be mom I'll change-" you were
cut off by your dad.

"No it's my turn to change it" said your father as he held the packet.

"I said I'll change it" said your mom glaring at your dad.

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