-Chapter 30-

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Tony Stark Point Of View
We've gathered everyone into the room that's essentially been turned into the planning room, Steve and I are standing at the front ready to lay out the plan for the team.

"So over the years everyone in this room has had some sort of contact with one of the infinity stones" Steve begins pointing to the holograms showing the images of the stones.

"Or what Cap means to say is damn near killed by one of the infinity stones" I add shrugging my shoulders.

"The plan is we each take a stone and hopefully we time it right getting each one and making it back here is possible" Steve continues using his Captain America voice.

"Thor your up the aether" Steve nods to Thor.

"Is he dead" Rhodes wonders probably only half joking.

"Nope he's snoring" Rocket snarks rolling his eyes.

Someone must have kicked his foot because he jumps up still holding onto the beer that was in his lap some how he managed to not spill any.

"Yes the aether..it's like this thing it gets inside you- it actually got inside uh oh yes there she is Jane Foster.. we broke up"

Peter Parker Point Of View (inside the soul stone)
According to Dr Strange Mia is in some mystical coma that he can't get her out of and if that's not crazy enough, that bar is pretty high already. She's basically been unconscious this whole time but none of us are really sure how much time has gone by.

"You ok kid"? Bucky asks sitting down in the weird orange sand I think this is meant to be a version of Titan where I died or got dusted.

"How many of them do you think survived? My aunt May? The rest of the team? How far did this go"? I ask him seriously looking at my hands I'm still in the Iron Spider armour.

"I wish I knew but I know that whoever is left standing, they are fighting to fix all of this" He sighs looking out across the dunes.

I just nod my head staring out at the sand thinking about aunt May and Ned all my friends from school and how crazy things must be back on earth.

Clint Barton Point Of View
A time heist that's what we are actually calling this thing I'm not complaining it's got a certain Stark flare to it part of me wants to tell Tony about almost seeing Mia in the past but then the other part doesn't want to hurt him especially if this doesn't work.

"Whatever it takes" Steve nods looking at each of us in turn similarly to the speech he gave after Ultron attacked us at the party five years ago.

"See you in a minute" Nat smiles.


"You promise to bring that back in one piece right"? Rocket asks crossing his arms at me as I hold the miniature of his ship in the palm of my hand.

"Oh yeah for sure" I nod my head.

That falling sensation takes over all of us and we get yanked into the time tunnel portal. Nat and I ended up paired with Rhodes and Nebula and Rocket they dropped us with Quill's old ship while they go after the space stone with the past version of Star Lord.

"The ship is programmed to take you right to Vormir don't break the ship Rocket will never let me hear the end of it and both of you watch each other's backs" Rhodes tells us.

"You too" Nat says as the door to the ship closes.

The ships powers up just like Rhody said it's on autopilot it will take us to the planet that has the Soul Stone on it.

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