-Chapter 18-

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Mia point of view

In a shocking turn of events I can't sleep so I sneak down to my workshop I perch on the table in the middle of the room and think.

"Friday? Could scan a sample of my blood"? I ask her giving into that nagging feeling in the back of my head.

"Full scan"? She replies evenly.

"Please" I nod holding my arm out for butter fingers who rolled over from sleep mode in the corner.

A couple minutes go by but they seem to last a lifetime.

"Scan complete would you like to hear the results"? Friday asks.

"Go ahead" I tell her.

"No signs of poisoning or foreign substances, drugs, alcohol. One thing stands out your hormone levels have increased dramatically and you appear to be late" She explains carefully.

"Does that mean"? I ask my heart pounding in my chest.

"Yes you appear to be pregnant Miss Stark" Friday reports evenly.

Suddenly all the pieces fall into place, the nausea, my mood swings. Oh my gosh and I went on that mission my mind starts swimming kicking up a bunch of scary scenarios where things could have went horribly wrong.

"Is the baby ok? After the mission"? I demand my hand hovering over my stomach.

"No abnormalities detected the baby is healthy" She says.

I sigh a weight lifting off my shoulders I couldn't live with myself if I did something wrong and my child got hurt for it.

"Thank god" I breathe out loud.

"I suggest informing the Avengers they are not likely to remain unaware for long" Friday says.

She's right of course I can't keep this of all things a secret my mind is racing this means I'm not going on any more missions or drinking, this changes everything.

"Friday call Maria Hill" I say standing up to pace.

"It's three in the morning? Are you sure"? Friday questions.

"Yes Fri I'm sure" I nod wringing my hands.

The phone only rings twice before the tired voice of Maria is coming through the speaker.

"Mia? What's wrong" She asks worried.

"Nothing's wrong I wanted to tell you that I know what to with the third bedroom in the house" I hedge pacing more.

"Yeah"? She mumbles sleepily.

"Yes. It's going to be a-

"You're pregnant" Maria blurts.

I giggle at her goofiness.

"Yes I am but you can not breathe a word to anyone I just found out and I want to be the one to tell the others, ok"? I state.

"I won't I'm a spy remember. So a nursery"? She asks excitedly.

"Nursery. Just keep it gender neutral for now since I have no idea whether it's a boy or girl yet" I sigh sitting back down on my rolly chair.

"Sure Mia and congratulations to you and Barton, Ash too" Maria says warmly.

"Thanks Maria let us know when the house is ready" I add.

"Will do" She hangs up the phone.

My workshop is plunged into silence but I'm buzzing with excitement Clint is going to flip when he finds out hell so is everyone else as a matter of fact. I shuffle back to my room and crawl back into bed next to Clint blissfully happy.

-The next morning-

Of course Clint is up first I smile when I hear him in the hall chatting with Ash about what to have for breakfast. I roll over and put my leg on I quickly change into my clothes for the day it's funny now that I know I'm noticing a very subtle bump to my stomach.

I'm sitting at the table while everyone is having their morning conversations and perspective morning foods, I can't help but wish Bruce and Thor were still here to hear the announcement I'm sure Thor would be super excited Bruce I know would be just as excited but more quiet about it.

"You seem quiet this morning" Bucky observes.

"I'm just enjoying this, listening to all of you chat and laugh" I say sipping my orange juice.

"You've got this glow going on today" Steve points out from across the table.

"Do I"? I ask dumbly smiling at him.

"You do" Bucky nods.

"What's that about" Nat jumps in.

"Who knows" I shrug hiding my smile in my glass.

"Wanda"? Bucky asks a Cheshire grin on his face.

"Wanda don't even think about it" I say.

But knowing her she's probably read it in my thoughts by now so I get up and snag Clint I pull him back out down the hallway out of earshot.

"Not that I'm complaining but what's up"? He asks putting his hands on my hips.

"I have a something to tell you about" I smile putting my hands on his shoulders.


I push up to my tip toes and whisper it in his ear it takes a couple seconds for it to sink in but then his face lights up and he runs off down the hallway.

"I'm a dad again" He exclaims all the way back to the kitchen.

I follow the way he ran as soon as I get to the kitchen I'm showered in congratulatory hugs and 'are you serious's.

"The mission" Steve gasps having the same sickening realization that I had.

"Steve I'm fine nothing happened to the baby" I say giving him another hug.

"You're sure"? He asks putting his hands on his hips.

"Yes I had Friday check we are fine" I assure him.

"Thank god" Steve sighs nodding his head.

"I get a sibling"? Ash asks holding her hands up pausing all other questions.

"Yes honey you do" Clint says picking her up.

"I can't wait" She giggles clapping her little hands.

The girls and I sit on the couch planning rooms and brainstorming different names, I'm so happy to have these ladies in my life. The guys too but they are more interested in what they could teach either my son or daughter rather than buying outfits and painting rooms though I know for sure who will be breaking down doors after the first break up for both the baby and Ash.

"So Peter you getting excited for your class trip in September"? Tony asks flopping on the couch next to the teen himself.

"Yeah it's going to be fun or at least I hope it will be" Peter shrugs.

"Of course you'll have fun" Nat says lightly elbowing Peter's arm.

"Maria called just before your announcement, she said the house is all ready for you guys as well as the third bedroom which makes much more sense now" Sam explains.

"Perfect" I nod softly playing with Ash's hair.


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