-Chapter 19-

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-3 months later-

By now the three of us have adjusted to civilian life you know not rushing headlong into danger every day but spending days with my daughter and fiancé, yep Clint proposed about a month ago. Pepper and Nat, along with Wanda have helping me to plan my wedding even though the boys aren't exactly cut out for wedding planning but they certainly have been trying.

"Honey"? Clint's voice floats up from the living room.

"Yeah"? I call back.

"Don't forget about your doctors appointment tomorrow, Helen is flying in from Seoul" He replies.

I mentally face palm how could I forget that since Bruce and Thor are still off searching the stars for infinity stones so Helen is our next superhero qualified doctor we know. Plus she's the only doctor I trust to monitor a superhero pregnancy.

"I won't, do we have to be at the compound"? I ask getting up to go back down stairs.

"The compound" Clint says.

"Ok" I nod putting my hands on almost three month baby belly.

When I get down to where he's relaxed on the couch I kiss him we make out a little and his hand winds up resting on my stomach in a very subtle way showing his already strong protective instincts.

"I think this is the one where we can see what the gender of the baby is" I comment while brushing his hair through my fingers.

"Really"? His eyes light up.

"Yes" I chuckle his excitement makes me even more excited.

"You know that this little boy or girl is going to have the most protective family in the whole galaxy I'm just saying" I add walking out to the kitchen.

"You can say that again" He agrees.

"I mean seriously with the Avengers as aunts and uncles someone breathes wrong on our kids, they will be beat six ways from Sunday and you can't tell me it wouldn't go that way" I say pouring a glass of tea along with a glass of juice for Ash since she should be home any minute now.

"I'm not disagreeing. There will evidently be a line" He says folding his hands behind his head.

"I'd be at the front" I whisper as more of a accidentally voiced thought but Clint nods anyway.

"Of course you would be sweetie" He sighs softly.

"Do you think Tony will ask Pepper to marry him"? I ask deftly changing the subject.

"Yes I think he will because Pepper is the perfect woman for your brother" Clint sighs closing his eyes.

Before I can agree my bubbly daughter bursts threw the front talking twenty miles a minute telling us all about her day at school. I haven't told her that we are going back to the compound for a few days though I'm sure she's going to be over the moon.

"I take it you had a great day today"? I ask with a chuckle.

"It was great we started a history unit today and guess what we learned about"? She asks jumping on the couch with Clint.

"What darling"? I question settling down in my rocking chair by the fire place.

"Uncle Steve" Ash giggles.

Steve point of view

It's been three months since Clint, Mia and Ash moved out and at first it was tricky adjusting to the obvious absence but we've found the rhythm. Nat and I are happy as a couple Tony and Pepper are doing great things are good.

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