-Chapter 26-

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-In space-
Tony point of view
I think I've finally got the helmet display to record then send a video back to Pepper..I hope anyway. But hey I'm Tony Stark.

"Hey this thing on? Hey miss Potts, I'm not sure what day this is anymore but don't feel bad about this. Part of the journey is the end the ship is out of food and is now pretty much out of oxygen so I'm gonna drift off soon but when I do I'm gonna dream of you it's always you" I say pushing down a building cough.

The signal cuts off and the helmet power fizzles out with a sigh I lean back against the seat looking out at the endless expansion of space. The purple and blue puffs of novas mixed with yellows and orange, the yellows and oranges remind me of Mia's powers that is comforting. Maybe I'll just rest my eyes here for a minute then I tinker with the control panel again, yep that's what I'm gonna do.

I'm vaguely aware of Nebula putting me in the pilot seat of the ship I'm almost out when a bright light shines into to my eyes. It's like the sun I open my eyes and squint into the light trying to see what it is it dims a little bit revealing a blonde woman. The next thing I know the ship is on the ground on earth! Nebula lowers the tail ramp and she helps me walk down it. I gasp a little when I see none other than Steve Rogers running towards us. He takes Nebula's place helping me walk I'm dumbfounded he survived whatever happened on Earth.

"I couldn't beat him" I rasp out.

"Neither could I" Steve replies solemnly.

"I..I lost the kid" I wheeze saying it out loud for the first time since it happened.

Steve's eyes fill with even more sorrow if that was even possible but I don't have to over analyze it because I get an arm full of my beautiful fiancé.

"Oh my god Tony you're alive" She cries into my shoulder.

I nod my head loosely holding her ignoring how my arms are shaking she's safe Pepper survived.

"Ok" I say almost loosing my tenuous balance.

Steve is there again helping Pepper lead me inside.

Natasha point of view

"Nat! Tony's alive and here on earth" Bruce yells up the stairs.

As soon as I hear him I'm running to the top of the stairs to see his face and make doubly sure he's not pulling some insanely bad joke.

"For real Bruce"? I ask him bracing myself on the railing.

He nods out of breath from running to the landing.

"Wow" I breathe out.

The weight of the words alone is enough to almost take me to my knees right here on the stairs but with some unknown strength I walk down and follow Bruce to the lab/treatment area. Knowing full well Tony's nieces are sleeping upstairs without their mother or their father since he literally ran off with the jet.

"Is he ok"? I whisper to Bruce.

"He's got a stab wound in his abdomen and obvious dehydration and malnutrition but he's had more severe injuries in the past" Bruce offers in his doctorly voice.

"He was stabbed"? I blanch blinking at him.

"On Titan. Thanos stabbed him with his own suit/blade thing" The blue woman speaks up from the corner of the room.

"Who are you"? I ask putting my hands on my hips.

"Nebula" She says her black eyes flicking all over the room.

"Ok Nebula thanks for taking care of my friend here" Rhodes nods offering his hand to her.

She shakes it uncertainly but nods her head my concern ebbs when her eyes land on Tony's prone form and stay there. Ok not a threat.

The Tale Of Two Starks Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now