-Chapter 22-

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Wanda point of view

It's raining here in this small town in Scotland the room service was just brought to our room Vis is standing by the window staring out into the night.

I'm at his side when I see him wince.

"Vis? What is it"? I ask holding his face in my hands.

"This it's speaking" He says bringing his hand up to the glowing yellow stone in his forehead.

"What is it saying"? I ask him.

"I don't know what do you feel"? He asks lifting my hand up to his head so I can use my powers on the stone.

I use my power and try and get a read on the stone but the only thing I can feel is Vis nothing else.

"I just feel you" I say letting my hand drop.

We lock eyes for a few long seconds and then we are kissing soft and gentle kisses that fill my stomach with butterflies.

"Let's go for a walk I think the rain is letting up this city is beautiful at night" I suggest.

He nods grabbing our coats from the stand near the door, we chat quietly about random things but of course my least favourite topic comes up following Nat's rules about staying in contact and keeping a low profile.

"But this is our time now remember" I sigh.

"Natasha was very clear about staying in touch even though the team isn't together anymore" Vis counters evenly.

"Yes I know" I agree reluctantly.

I stop when there is a change in the energy in the air but before Vis can ask what is up a laser blast flies past our heads missing us by a foot at the most.

"Run" He yells pushing me ahead of him.

"No" I say firing my magic in the direction of the blast.

I gasp when a big monster thing slams down in front of us he grabs Vis by the neck the other creature stabbed him with a spear looking weapon then tosses him aside as if he weighed nothing, I blast him off of Vis.

"Are you ok"? I ask desperately hands hovering over his glitching body.

"The metal stopped me from phasing" He gapes eyes darting all over the place like he can't focus.

"What? How is that possible"? I ask looking over my shoulder just in case they come back.

"I don't know" He says breathing heavy.

I help him up and we start running only to be knocked to the side by the female alien with that stupid spear weapon.

Now back in his original red skin tone and cape body Vis flies forward grabbing her and launches into the sky but I watch in horror as she easily throws him on a roof top. Using my powers I fly up to the roof top.

"Leave him alone" I snap gathering energy to my hands.

I scream when the other monster blasts the floor or the roof using more of my magic I grab Vis and we half fly and half fall off the crumbling building, we end up by the Edinburgh train station.

"I'm sorry" I say while trying to heal his stab wound.

"This is not your fault Wanda" He grits.

I stand back up when I see them walking towards us again these guys don't want to give up, I summon the magic to my hands then take a defensive stance.

A train goes by the air changed again but this time with a familiar energy the spear flies past my head in between the train cars and gets caught.

It's Steve thank god. Sam and Natasha attack the bad guys and thankfully have the good sense to look scared.

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