-Chapter 24-

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Bucky point of view
Steve and Natasha and T'challa walk back to where the rest of us are waiting Steve's jaw is set and that is not a good sign.

"They surrender"? I ask not sure why I'm pretty sure I know the answer.

"Not exactly" Steve replies getting back in next to me.

The freaky looking dog things start trying to break through the barrier most of them dying in the process.

"Wakanda forever" T'challa yells.

The fight was on after that.

Mia point of view

In a flurry of running and teleporting I packed everything important then I wrap all four of us energy and take us to the back up safe house that I had Hill set on the off chance my nightmare actually came true. I guess it's a good thing I did.

"Honey talk to me what is happening"? Clint demands under his breath as to not scare our kids.

"Thanos! That's what's happening he's here and he has the stones- I spoke to Steve they have him engaged in Wakanda, he told us to stay safe. He's got this" I explain quickly and quietly.

"No we aren't going to just sit here while the rest of the team is fighting for the planet! That's not who we are" He snaps back.

"No! That was who we were key word being were so we are going to sit our butts in this safe house until we hear from Steve. Do I make myself clear"? I ask summoning my light to my eyes.

His eyes widen and he steps back slowly begrudgingly sitting down with EJ I nod my head. I can't blame him for wanting to be out there helping but I refuse to live my girls without parents that's not happening.

In Wakanda

Steve point of view

Bruce is being swarmed I'm covered in aliens this isn't going very well- I'm shocked by the creatures the froze and the grounds starts shaking. Is that thunder? A tower of rainbow like light shoots down from the sky in the middle of the battlefield and an unmistakable voice fills the air.

"Bring me Thanos"!

It's Thor the aliens are blasted off of me I jump up and rush over to my friend who I haven't seen in a year.

"New haircut"? I ask while catching my breath.

"Noticed you've copied my beard, ah this is my new friend a tree" Thor nods gesturing to the tree which just impaled four more aliens.

I nod tiredly that's the Thor I know.

"I am Groot" It declares.

"I am Steve Rogers" I say back to Groot.

I'm in the middle of punching more aliens when I hear Sam on the com channel.

"Guys we got a Vision situation"

"Someone get the Vision" I yell on the open channel.

I take off towards where it looked like he fell even though I heard Wanda say she was on it I'm glad to see Bruce fly off the same way too, he starts fighting with the alien commanders I look up as the big one is dragged along the Wakanda energy field until he explodes. I run up just in time to see the skinny one slash Vision with a spear I tackle him away.

"Get outta of here" I shout to Vision.

Using the shields T'challa gave me I try to hold the skinny one off but when I look over my shoulder Vision is still laying there against the tree.

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