-Chpater 27-

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Steve point of view
I feel awkward having walked in on Nat's conversation with Rhody but I'm also not going to stand here and watch her cry either.

"You know I saw a pod of whales coming back over the bridge" I comment as a way of announcing my presence.

"Really? In the bay"? She replies blinking past her tears.

"Yeah, less boat traffic, less pollution" I shrug sitting down opposite to her.

We sit there simply feeling the weight of everything that's happened let's be honest it's a lot.

"I used to have nothing but then I got this. This job, this family"

I nod my head silently agreeing with her statement it really has turned into a family, sure we started out as just a team of heroes but somewhere along the lines it became family. It's a little bruised, a tiny bit mangled and maybe even a bit cracked but it's my family and I wouldn't change it.

I turn around when Friday wordlessly brings up a video feed on one of the screens in the kitchen area.

"Hello? Anyone home? It's Scott Lang, we met at the airport and I got really come on, I know you guys remember me"

I stand up and get closer to the screen thinking I have to be seeing things because that can't be Scott.

"Is this an old recording"? I ask no one in particular.

"That's the front door" Nat answers bluntly.

Scott Lang point of view

I jump when the front door actually opens and it was opened by none other than Captain America himself. This is good if he's still alive we might have a better chance of this working after all.

"Got any food? I'm starving" I ask completely serious.

"Scott? How are you even here? We all thought you were dead" Cap questions crossing his arms over his chest.

"Well when the snap happened Hank and I were running some experiments and somehow I got sucked into the machine we were working on- and now I'm here" I shrug inhaling the sandwich Black Widow brought me.

"What kind of machine"? Cap asks putting his hands on his hips.

"Don't say I'm crazy but I was in what I've been calling the quantum realm, we were working on this experiment when the snap uh happened I was in the quantum realm so I wasn't affected- but obviously you guys were really affected by it" I rambles around the sandwich, praying I'm making sense.

"What are you saying Scott"? Nat demands not unkindly.

-In the Soul Stone, Peter Quill point of view-
I'm still in shock the literal gravity of everything that just went down is almost crushing me that's not even including the fact that Amelia Stark who I'm told was one of the most powerful Earth heroes is here like the rest of us. She hasn't woken up yet despite Strange trying to wake her up with his wizard magic really thought that would work but no dice.

"She has kids" Barnes sighs quietly dragging his hands down his face.

That statement made my heart squeeze because I know exactly how it feels to lose a parent to feel that utter desperation and confusion and the anger the always wondering how could your parents be taken from you so abruptly.

"You said that Clint isn't here right? So that means those girls have their father" I point out hoping to bring him the tiniest shred of relief.

"Yeah but in what condition? Yes we felt getting dusted but I'm betting Clint had to witness it that's probably much worse" Barnes sighs shaking his head.

"What else do you think is happening out there? What happened to Thanos? Do you think he's still on earth? Or did he run after he snapped his fingers"? I ask rapid fire the emotions suddenly getting to be overwhelming.

"I heard Steve asking Thor right before it happened 'where did he go' so I'm guessing he ran after the snap but I've got no clue where he'd go to hide" Barnes sighs quietly.

-In the real world; Steve Rogers Point Of View-

"Time travel? That's your plan"? I echo just to make sure I understand what's going on here.

"Yes! We can use the quantum tunnel and go back in time and maybe just maybe fix all of this" Scott nods.

"You can do that"? Nat wonders crossing her arms hesitantly.

"No not really I'll need help..like a lot of genius help but if I get some help yeah I think we could do it" He adds rubbing his hands together.

"I know who we need" Nat states.

I know who we need too but asking him to get back in the game now would be a big ask, he's got Morgan now and a home away from all the stuff that went down five years ago. The drive felt like it took a lifetime but then we were there at Tony's lakeside house it's so peaceful the truth it Tony definitely deserves this life away from the fighting and superheroes, a quiet life with Pepper and his little girl.

We get out of the car and there he is walking up the hill Morgan on his hip, he looks right at me and suddenly everything we said to each other all the hatful words start blearing in my head. But I can't let that stop me this is too important the world is depending on this chance.

"Time travel? That's the plan"? Tony sputters that's about the same reaction we had too, it's nice to know some things never change.

"We know how it sounds Tony" I sigh leaning back on the deck railing sipping the lemonade Pepper gave us.

"Well it sounds crazy" He says quietly leaning back in the chair he's sitting in.

"It's just that Scott is having trouble with the time slip- we tried it and well" I trail off shrugging my shoulders unsure on how to explain it.

"Scott turned into a baby"? Tony asks though he seems to already know what happened.

"Yeah" I nod.

I sigh again knowing what we have to ask him, the gravity to it after everything that happened that's not even mentioning what could be lost if this get's screwed up.

"You need to account for the temporal time that will counter balance the time shift and a bunch of other factors I'm betting you never knew about there Lang" Tony quips.

"See you've got way more insight about this stuff Tony we need your help on this, if we do this right..we could bring everyone back. Fix the past five years Tony we could bring Mia back and Peter" I finally spit out the words that were choking me from the inside.

Before Tony can respond Morgan runs out jumping into her father's arms saying Pepper told her to come and save him he smiles whispering back that she saved him.

"Look I can't go backwards I've got something here, if you want some dinner Pepper is making a roast we have plenty of space but I can't go back to the hero stuff" He walks back into the house carrying Morgan on his hip.

That ended just the way I thought it would so sadly Nat, Scott and I go back to the car and head back to the
compound without Tony.

As I stare out the windshield at the passing landscape there's a tiny part of me hoping that the part of Tony that loves to figure things out doesn't let this idea go because he might be the only one who can figure this out. Time travel, if someone had told me when I was just another kid in Brooklyn that this is what my life would turn into I'd probably say they'd had way to much to drink but now here I am and it somehow isn't that crazy.
But more than anything I want to fix what Thanos broke we need to bring everyone back and put the broken world together again.


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