-Chapter 5-

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(Ash's dress ⬆️) (Wanda's dress ⬆️)

Mia point of view

I wake up to a note on my night table 'got a call out in the middle of the night, should be back by mid day, we split the team since Hammer is out -Steve.

So half the team is still here that's good I get up and get ready today since it's starting to cool off I put on a pair of dark wash jeans and a white tank top and to top the outfit off I grab my navy blue hoodie. Of course by the time I get to the living room most of them are already up including Pepper Vision and Bucky and Ash.

Which means two things Clint must still be sleeping and Wanda, Nat, Steve, Thor, Tony and Bruce must have went on the call out Sam has been staying at his place in Brooklyn but I'm betting he went on the mission too.

"Clint is sleeping still" Pepper says without looking up from her mountain of paperwork on the table beside her.

I thank her and head to the kitchen to make some coffee, it's strange to think of Clint sleeping in as a Shield Agent he was always up early training or working on mission reports but I guess because of the amnesia it took his most basic instincts.

"Where did they go"? I ask leaning on the counter while the coffee pot brews.

"Canada. According to Fury there's some suspicious activity going on with a research facility that has ties to an old Soviet science division so they went to check it out" Bucky says stretching his arms over his head.

Well that explains why Bucky didn't go him and Soviet anything is not a good combo, I go in the pantry and curse under my breath we are out of pop tarts Thor is going to be wanting them when he gets back which then means I have to do groceries since Tony forgets to tell Friday when we are out of things we need for this kitchen.

I grab my white sneakers from near the bottom of the stairs then my wallet and keys.

"Ok I'm making a run to the store we are in desperate need of a grocery restock" I say gesturing to the bare looking shelves.

"Want some company"? A different voice asks.

It's Clint who is fully dressed looking like his old self in weird way.

"Uh sure come on we can't have Thor come home to no pop tarts the results would be- Vis what's the word I'm looking for"? I ask him.

"Catastrophic Miss Amelia" He supplies.

"I like that, the results would be catastrophic" I say holding the elevator door open.

He jumps on I let the door close I lead him garage and to my SUV, I park at the store and as per usual there are a few reporters hanging around who have figured out this is where I shop. Strategically I move around them to get into the store Clint grabs a cart.

"Do you think I will get my memories back"? He asks out of the blue while I'm gathering items.

"I hope you do but with these things there's no grantees" I say grabbing four boxes of pop tarts.

"Do you want me to get them back"? He asks seriously pushing the cart down the aisle.

That's a loaded question of course I want him to remember, to remember how much we love each other and the team as well as Ash but Bruce seems to think it might not come back to him.

"Do you"? I ask turning the question back on him.

"I want to I think. I mean clearly there's something here that I'm missing" He says pointing between us.

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