-Chapter 14-

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We sit on the couch Clint and Tony and myself while Wanda, Sam, Bucky and Vision guarding the stairwell in case something happens or Loki tries to make a break for it.  We've dealt with some crazy things but this has to be up there on the list I'm incredibly proud of Clint for the way he's handling this not having a total meltdown.

"You still with me"? I ask nudging his arm.

"You still giving me the warm and fuzzies"? He counters arching a brow.

"Yes is it working"? I ask giggling a little bit.

He nods.

"Good then I'm doing my job" I sigh getting up perching Tony so he's mostly leaning on my shoulder that way I can hold him with one arm.

With a little more concentration I send an invisible strand of light to Steve and the rest of the Avengers hopefully easing the tension I smile when I see their shoulders drop and the stress fades off their faces.

"Not fair doll I'm trying to be grumpy" Bucky whines swatting his hands around his head trying to disrupt my power.

"No grumpy" Tony mumbles into my shoulder.

"That's right Tony no grumpies" I nod patting him on the back.

"I kind of like it" Sam says.

"Thanks Sam" I say fixing some breakfast for Tony.

"Boss Ms Potts wishes you to the young Miss made it to school on time and Mr Hogan will pick her up after" Friday reports.

"Thanks Friday" I say glad Ash got to school on time.

It's just after 1 in the afternoon when Bruce, Thor and Loki finally emerge from the lab and Bruce looks hopeful I'd even go as far as saying he looks optimistic.

"Well"? Steve asks.

"We think we have it all figured out" Bruce nods.

We all sigh.

"Let's do this then" Sam claps his hands.

I'm standing in the middle of the room holding Tony in my arms while Bruce fiddles with some tech thing with Loki and Thor I can't help but wonder if we can trust Loki his title is the god of mischief after all that doesn't exactly inspire all the trust in the world.

"If any one of you mess this up I swear you will spend a solid month under the impression that you are little girls" I say looking at them with a even stare.

"You wouldn't"? Bruce gulps wincing.

"Pepper, Wanda and Nat will braid your hair" I say enjoying the look of fear on Bruce and Thor's faces.

"On three" Bruce announces getting ready to throw the big switch.

There's a dizzying flash of light that sends me toppling to the floor I twist to protect Tony I shake my head and rub my eyes man that was bright. Wait! I don't have a small version of my brother next to me, where's Tony? I sit up adjust my leg and see the others in a sense dusting themselves off from the flash of light I blink when I feel a familiar energy to my left. Hesitantly I look over at the source of the feeling sitting there on the floor next to me is Tony, adult him.

"Tony"? I ask putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Hey there sunshine miss me"? I hug tackle him laughing.

But soon I'm being dragged to my feet by Tony I blink and I'm standing behind the mark 42 the tell tale whine of the repulser in my ear.

"Tony! Stop he's here to help" Steve exclaims jumping in the middle between him and Loki and Thor.

"Help"? Tony asks appalled.

"He figured out how to change you back" Pepper says from next to Wanda.

"Take the suit off he's not going to hurt us ok. Peter and Ash are at school, he won't try anything because all of us are here" Pepper pleads stepping up putting her hands on his helmet.

I move back as the suit disassembles leaving a very angry Tony standing there arms crossed shoulders squared.

"I'm cooking who's hungry" I ask them.

I shepherd them all out of the workshop then once we are back on the main level and seated in their own places I start moving around the kitchen only listening to the sound of my metal foot hitting the floor. My mind still running a million miles a minute wondering what we do with Loki now I mean he knows where the compound is, seen Tony's lab.

"How's my girl doing" I turn and Clint is leaning on the counter by the oven.

"Lots of things on my mind but the kids will be home in couple hours. Loki needs to go back to Asgard Peter and Sam are going to patrol tonight, there are a lot of things to do" I say using my power to move him out of the way so I can get out salad spoons.

"Oh he's going back right Thor"? Clint asks loudly so Thor can hear him.

"Indeed" Thor replies.

"See he's leaving, Peter and tweety are going on patrol Ash will do her homework with Tony and Vision. The rest of us are going to relax" Clint says kissing my neck lightly.

"That sounds nice" I smile leaning my head back onto his chest.

A little while later everyone is fed and settled down for now I find myself fiddling with my leg it wasn't made to sleep in but I have been sleeping with it on. Bucky Steve and I gather the dishes I'm pretty sure Bucky has noticed my wincing when I move the wrong way.

"What's up with you"? He asks bluntly but I know he's just concerned.

"Nothing I'm fine" I tell him closing the dishwasher.

"Don't lie to us" Steve pipes up putting his hands on his hips.

"My leg is bothering me. There you two happy now"? I ask them snidely.

"No, why is it bothering you? It shouldn't be" Bucky questions looking down at my sliver foot.

"I may have slept with it on a few times so it's sore" I hedge rolling on my flesh heel.

"You shouldn't do that I don't keep my arm on at night for that exact reason. Did Clint say something? Is that why you've been sleeping with it on"? Bucky asks mimicking Steve's pose.

"No of course not! I didn't want to give him the chance so I've kept my leg on at night because I'm self conscious about the part of my leg that's left" I sigh looking across the room at Clint who is chatting spy things with Natasha.

"Mia, you once told me that no one would judge me for my arm and now I'm telling you that no one is going judge you about your leg" Bucky says holding up his metal arm.

I stare at him searching his eyes but finding nothing but honesty and warmth I nod.

"Maybe later Tony could adjust it for you" Steve offers lightly putting his arm around my shoulders.

"Maybe, I'll give him a little time with Pepper before I hit him up for tech support they deserve to catch up after all the excitement" I say gingerly moving around them.

"They an adorable couple" Steve grins.

"He's happy" I say nodding my head.

This is all I ever wanted for Tony to be surrounded by people who love and care about him, a small part of me wishes dad could see what a good man Tony has grown up to be. Perhaps then Tony wouldn't be so afraid to disappoint everyone but I know that him being with Pepper is helping him open up to people instead of being so closed off.

"Family vacation anyone"? I ask them.


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