~ Chapter 2 ~

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 Silence didn’t last long, because as soon as Mr. Thorn tried to continue with the remaining explanation the whole auditorium went crazy.

“What do you mean wedding” “is that even legal”  “I’m going to call my lawyer” were the most common phrases that could be heard during the uproar.

“Please be quiet so I can continue” Mr. Thorn tried calming the senior population. “Ok, this is going to happen. Whether you like it or not, is a pre requisite for graduation, so you better listen to what I´ve got to say” he ended with a serious voice, and everyone became quiet. We knew better than to make him upset.

“As I was saying you will be paired, therefore after the assembly is over please head towards the news board and check who your partner is. The situations will be coming through the whole project, so be ready, we will be giving you the rest of this day so you can get to know each other; before you head home please report to the office so we can assign you your jobs. Thank you for your kind attention, good day to you all,”  with that Mr. Thorn went down the stage and headed back to his office.

I saw how everyone went rushing to check on their pairs, but honestly I was not that excited, I mean the list is not going anywhere and neither is my partner, so what's the point of rushing?

I felt a hand on my shoulder and turned “aren’t you excited to know who your partner might be? “  Liz asked me smiling.

 “Umm no, why are you so happy about this project anyway. What if we get paired up with the worst guys ever, I don’t want to be married with someone I don’t know. That’s just crazy. Thank Mr. Thorn and his ideas” I answered grimly.

She wasn’t disturbed by my outburst, but kept on smiling instead. “Its not going to be that bad, think positive!”

“Yeah right keep thinking like that.” I muttered while approaching the news board.

Once I was managed to squeeze to the front of the board I tried searching for my name, but it was like mission impossible 5. This thing had so many students surrounding it,and pointing their fingers at the paper, you might think they are showing them the newly discovered planet.

Finally after what seemed like eternity I was able to find my name; Carrie Montgomery……. Paired with…….. Blake Anderson! No, no, no, no this is not happening; why me, I’ve been a good girl,I always eat my vegetables, and not once have I´ve been mean to an animal!  this is not supposed to be happening! I was hoping I could end up with Jake for some unknown reason but nooo, I have to be stuck with the cocky jerk Blake, of all the seniors that attend this school it had to be him. Ughhhh, worst day ever.

“Umm, Carrie have you seen any pigs with tutus flying today?” Liz snickered from behind me.

“Don’t start I don’t want to talk about it” I was close to having a breakdown.

After I got through my depression of being paired with Blake, I stared searching for Jake, and at the same moment I found it, I heard Liz screaming.

“Nooooooooo, why him, this can´t  be happening, there must be some mistake, this is not conceivable, how am I supposed to do this project with him” 
But no, it was not a mistake. It was right there. Liz Brown and Jake Williams were officially married;  or at least by the school.

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